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Sthir by catpaws



5' when standing on hind legs, 2.5-3' when on all fours
112 lbs

Name: Sthir
Alias: none
Gender: Gender neutral
Spawn Point: Bottled Ports

Physical appearance: Frilled shark, salamander, axolotl, and cat combined. Dark blue scales with a soft pink underbelly, semi-transparent pink and orange fins on a long tail, and a sprinkling of orange spots speckled across the face and in a stripe down the back and tail. Has fins? on the face that are soft and flexible. Has dark eyes with a colored pupil (color changes depending on mood)
Voice: Soft, quiet, usually ends sentences with a lift to their voice, as if they are asking a question.
Height: 5' when standing on hind legs, 2.5-3' when on all fours
Weight: 112 lbs

--Finding interesting things
--Convincing someone to agree with them or do things for them
-They are a collector of anything and everything that they find interesting. They also have a habit of picking up valuables - if it's on the ground, it's rightfully theirs. This extends to people as well - they have a habit of befriending those that they deem as interesting.


  • Fickle - Sometimes they will decide that they want one thing, and then change their mind a fraction of a second later. Their interests can change this way; they could be collecting keys one week, and then turn around and collect glass balls the next day instead.
  • Curious - They will stick their nose into almost anything, and have no boundaries when it comes to fulfilling their curiosity. ~ Affinity for oddness - they generally prefer to go the places that no one else bothers with, or befriend the critters that few others are able to stomach being around. This affinity extends to objects, as well - they have a fascination with strange or unsettling things.
  • Loving - once Sthir likes you, be prepared to be coddled and pampered for the rest of your life. They love physical affection and both giving and receiving gifts, and will not hesitate to drop random crap in your lap if you've gained their attention or affection. They are also incredibly loyal, and have a hard time letting go of relationships with others.
  • Possessive - Sthir is possessive of both people and objects. If they have labeled you as their favorite, you will find an extra pair of eyes watching you when you show affection toward others. Additionally, if they ever find any object of theirs stolen, they will hunt down whomever they think was the prime suspect. However, they have enough random items that it often takes them a while to discover something missing.

Likes: Odd objects, string, people/creatures that aren't boring to them, swimming, bright colors, the sky, salty things
Dislikes: being bored, not knowing something that they want to know, sour stuff, deserts, being in pain

dB: 5
Items: none
Achievements: None


Attack: 2/5
Defense: 3/5
Speed: 2/5 (on land) 4/5 (in water)
Agility: 1/5 (on land) 4/5 (in water)
Endurance: 2/5

Sanity: 4/5
Confidence: 3/5
Bravery: 5/5 (only because they never worry about the consequences)
Intelligence: 4/5
Charisma: 3/5

Weapon: They have a venom that they secrete in their saliva, similar to that of a Komodo Dragon.

Character Information
