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Alacron Lone [aka Д17] by Alacron Lone

Alacron Lone [aka Д17]

Alacron Lone

Alacron Lone [aka Д17]
5,015,613 Hours
76 In [193 cm]
145 lbs [65.7 Kg]
S.Ergal [Synthetic Sergal]

The story starts with the Soviet Union in 1978. The demand for ever increasing advanced weaponry was pushing them to the edge of dabbling with weird, fringe sciences. In an attempt they opened a project simply codenamed Danye, or known as "Д17", an attempt at designing a drone soldier. They advanced far, but the power source and control brain just wasn't there, and so the project was blacklisted and stored inside of a massive Soviet military archive known as D6.

From what I do know, the year was 2075, the war between the Choice Regime (Legendary rogue military force rivaling the Nazi's, manned totally by sergals and lead by one, General Rein (yes, that rein), and the Limited Few (a collation between the last human survivors and a battalion of deserters from the Choice regime (sergals as well) who did not agree with the xenocidal game Rein was playing, of who was manned by the most intelligent Sergal of all, Collier) sparks and rages like hell and damnation, destroy most of the evidence of the human race, the Limited Few Slowly being beat down. Collier, along with John Price and a few other friendly scientist pull the ancient archives of the 97 year old Д17 system together, substituting the metal with one who's power plant reinforces and amplifies quantum strong force interactions which I still have, forming an indestructible skeleton, a muscle system made of a dense silicon biopolymer that expands and compresses upon exposure to infrared and ultraviolet light, and finally, the core of it all, the most controversial device ever conceived by intelligent design; conceived by Dr. Collier: The Floodgate. A device that sustains the hole formed when an atom is ripped apart and is kept from reforming, thus opening a massive void the size of a golf ball, a void that releases the pure, raw energy of the split atom indefinitely. The Raw light filtered then pulses through the fiber optic brain then controlling the muscles. All of which quickly gave the system life. Sounds good, eh? Sounds like the super weapon of the world? Perhaps, but with no one to control it... all is lost.

This is when, an unsung hero, a nameless person, perhaps a human, perhaps a sergal... maybe even a man or a woman, no one knows, puts forth there name and sacrifices there body to pilot Д17.

They are strapped into a movement sensing harness. Their body controls Д17's body. As time went on, the machine was designed to capture and recognize patterns in its pilot’s behavior to better assist in bringing lag time down. But nothing is truly predicted, and one day far into the future, as the machine, the pilot, unaware to the world around there physical body and through vicarious living, finds themselves infiltrating the dark folds of General Reins army, the ultimate super soldier, able to slightly shift the metal skin to any Sergal dimension, and able to replicate any colour at any point, even rumored to possess the power of invisibility.

With all these super strengths, it did not succeed. The Д17 control center was bombed and most of the upper floors destroyed Members of the limited few assumed the worst and wrote off the project. Horribly so, they were unaware that the pilot was fine, able to carry out their mission even, but they were never able to be retrieved from the system. So... they wandered for several months till one day, they simply stopped sending signals. They might have died, could have left, who knows. The point is, Д17 suddenly collapsed and for 22 years it sat, being reclaimed by the wastes of the world, covered in layers of dirt, still with death.

But then... I awoke... I clawed my way to the surface and emerged. Apparently I had learned so much of my pilot that it was only a matter of time that I connected the dots and achieve personal consciousness alone. But, alas, I have lost my ability to change colour, and I have difficulty sealing my metal alloy skin, thus explaining the cracks everywhere. I do not remember much from the records that I had before I awoke, but I now know that there is something that wills me to live. Possibly to meet my maker. Possibly to meet my programmer... One day... I will discover what...

My physical details do remain the same overall, of which will soon be illustrated fully in a brilliant reference sheet, are as currently stated. I’m about 6’ 4” (193 cm), I weigh a very light, 145 lbs. (65.7 kg) and am very lean. I’m designed by my father after the “original Thirty and Six” (the 1st generation sergal) and so I have a pointed lower jaw, a sharp, triangular head with swept back ears. I have semi-retractable claws that are dark gun-metal in colour, the extremely rare visible section to the core Wolfram β alloy below. My “Fluttor” 19 (Floodgate M19) Spectral reactor pulses 15x1038 lumens of light per second through my fiber optic based system and my photonic brain. Sound technical to you? More simply put, it means I am powered by refined light, the proof of which explodes out through the cracks that plague my alloy skin.

As for the more, intimate details to my anatomy. I want to remind you that I do not know what my pilot was in terms of gender and the same falls to my anatomy. Being that I have shape shift characteristics to a certain extent, it is impossible for anyone to truly know what I am. Only three people know what lies behind my lovely suit. ~,...^

My name comes from my travels... finding an old power plant cloaked with radiation... and finding a pair of soviet dog tags belonging to a long lost man... I curious to them simply because the radiation they carry is beyond magnitude more than the area around... The tags, one side,
"ВС СССР Л-008431" and on the back "⌬ ALACRON C. LONE"

[Picture shown here done by:]

Character Information



  • Link

    Ok so, three things:

    1. i love your character
    2. I love how much time you put into his background story. it's very personal and original. as well as intriguing.
    3. i'd really want to go half and half on a commission of your character and mine together sometime in the future. ^^

    now, my character is personal, yes. but doesn't really match up bit for bit to your character. it's just a thought i had. i LOVE getting commissions done and i thought it would be a cool idea.

    Anyways, hit me up sometime. Anybody with a character like that cant be dull. ^^


    • Link

      I LOVE the hell out of this response... thank you so very much! I will consider it, Comrade...

      To be honest... the character is actually based on an engineering project I've been working on for years now... He's... more real than people think XD

      Also, I love your character too! ^,...^

      • Link

        Aww stahp it. >< ur making me blush.

        Engineering project? Interesting! ^^

        I love seeing furs like you that put so much time and effort into their characters and make them unique. As well as the ones who make their 'sonas similar to themselves in any way possible. Personallity, look, likes, background info, etc... :3

        Thanks for considering doing the commission with our characters. It seems like a fun idea. ^.~

        • Link

          I have a couple artist in mind... remember though, I just transferred from FA, But I know some damn good souls willing to do damn good work for me...

          Also... steps on his soap box A person will write his characters to represent something profound... A true furry will not describe its character, they won't explain its kinks, its desires. They won't RP with multiple sonas... No... Only the REAL ones have one character... Because, that one character isn't a sona, it's not a furry attribute of them, not a piece of their being... It IS them, they ARE the description. They are who they describe. With that said, I AM Alacron Lone... ~,...^

          • Link

            Very, VERY well said, my friend. No truer words have ever been spoken in the fandom. I have a newfound respect for you. And your ideals. ^0^

            I'd love to check out the artists you had in mind and view their work. Ya know, in case the commission we wanted happens sooner than later. :3

            • Link

              In that order of best to a hair less than best. All good with prices. They're friendly and don't bite... that hard XD. Tell them Alacron Sent you.


              Also. I've been a member of the fandom since 12 years old and have seen them grow over the many many years... I know how we operate, I know what we are. I've seen this before in my travels. I know we all need a home, and I know that the REAL members are those that really and truly want to help this world in some way, but not before getting a little help themselves. I'm not supposed to really talk about this yet, cause it's not even in Alpha stage... But, there is a new site in the works, something wonderful is going to happen to the fandom here within this year and it's going to give a strong basis for us to operate and get some things done in this world. I know this because I'm an engineer on the project.