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Wik by WindWolf



Irken eqivalence of 20
a tiny thing

I desperately needed a new reference sheet for Wik so I nabbed one my my doodles of Wik from my margi-doodle dump and finished it up.

Wik's Origin: I made Wik about two and half years ago. She started as just "Invader Wind" and was just me drawing myself as an Irken. It wasn't until I started incorporating her into my stories as a sort of alternate me that began developing her character. It was with the help of my friend Icei that she came to be called Wik instead of Wind. I thought the name sounded good and similar to Wind so it stuck. At first I wasn't going to make her an Invader, after all it is the most cliche thing you can do in creating an Irken character; but after thinking about my own personality and taking a very good quiz (the ones you can't manipulate to get the answer you want) and having it give me the title of Invader (out of my mom, sister, brother, and Icei I was the only one to get that result) I caved and made her an Invader.

Side notes about Wik: I didn't add it in the bio but Wik also tends to create unusually strong attachments to certain things and individuals (this is rare though due to her distrust and dislike of almost everyone), and she just has an overall attitude of "I don't care".

In my defense:Wik has the exact personality of myself, she wouldn't do or say anything I wouldn't, so I don't want to hear any bull crap of "she acts just like Zim". No. No she doesn't. She acts like me.
I also made Wik very plain and simple; just your average Irken, to avoid creating a Mary-Sue. And if you're gonna b*** and whine about "she looks just like Zim" then I dare you to turn on the Nightmare Begins or Battle of the Planets, look at all the other Irkens you can see, and then come and tell me she "looks exactly like Zim." Irkens are clones and most of them wear the same thing, so you can just shut up about that!
Also! I don't believe the "ten Earth years to every Irk year" bit and I don't think Wik is 200 years old. Zim is an adult (that crap about him being a teenager is just crap). He acts very immature, but he has essentially gone through all his "schooling" and was an Invader for a while, and I highly doubt that the Empire would be sending adolescents out to invade other planets. The Tallest are the same age as Zim too, and they certainly don't strike me as teenagers. I'd say that Zim would be in the equivalence of his early or mid twenties, and yes I do know that he is 160 years old.

Character Information



  • Link

    For some reason I knew you had an IZ character =P

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      XD Yup!

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        I will admit I'm not a fan of that show and I don't have much interest in fan-made characters but I am always open to people's opinions =)

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          It's a weird show I'll give you that, and I don't usually love fan-characters anyway, but I just really couldn't resist!

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    hahaha you would love to be in my place come hte 14th. I am going to katsucon and through a mutual friend of me and the gentleman whom does the voice of gir. I get to have supper with him and his wife and maybe the voice of zim as well.

    • Link

      That would be so awesome! I hope you have fun :)

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        actually isnt the first time I have met and hung out with rikki simons

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            haha if you are in the VA, MD, NC, etc area come to katsucon. the voice of gir and zim is going to be there this year.

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              I wish I was near there. I'm in Utah.