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Cid by CatSamurai



120 lbs

Stole this from deaglen's journal back on FA =D I thought it would be fun to do in between commissions. Especially because I bet some of you don't even know that I do in fact have a fursona XD Also, I do plan to upload more personal art to this gallery when I finish my commission list so this might be a nice thing to have.

Fursona name - Cid

What made you choose the species of your main fursona?

  • Well I always liked cats and so that's about as in depth as it goes XD I like their personalities, their looks, and all that they can represent. Cat's are just neato =P

Is your fursona just like you, or how you want to be?

  • On the physical end, yeah, I guess I designed Cid to be a lot like me with a really skinny (scrawny) body type. On an emotional level... well Cid sorta represents certain extremes about my personality that fit well to a fictional character. Basically he has less restraint than I do, and no, he doesn't represent something that I aspire to be.

Does your fursona have the same personality you have?

  • Yes and no. Like I mentioned before, Cid represents the extreme ends of my personality. On the negative end he can be exceedingly annoying, harsh, scathing, and unapologetic. On the neutral/good end, he can be loyal to a fault, overly dependent, paranoid, fanatically dorky, lonely, stupidly shy/awkward, cleverly funny, and surprisingly intelligent on some subjects.

  • As far as my own personality I think I can be all of these things but in a much more subdued/well rounded way that wouldn't be nearly as "in your face" as Cid can be. Though I'd say that I do tend to worry and think about "what if" scenarios a bit too much, which my friends have found annoying. Unlike Cid, I think I'm very good at pretending to fit in a variety of social situations. Cid is completely incapable of putting up any sort of facade, and would be very easy to beat at poker (or Yugioh) XD

Does your fursona have the same dislikes and likes as you do?

  • Yep!

Does your fursona look like you at all?

  • Well body type is pretty much spot on. Very skinny. But other than that, I'm afraid I don't look like a cat.

Is your fursona the same gender as you, if not why?

  • Considering I've done streams where people have heard my voice, I guess the "cat is out of the bag" on this subject XD Yep, I'm a dude! Was kinda surprised that some people thought I was female before. Though I've thought of drawing a fem "Syd".... then drawing the two of them make out... OwO;

Do you have more than one main fursona?

-Nope Just Cid. He's been around FOREVER. Not always the same species or under the same name, but definitely the same character all around.

Do you have a back story for your fursona, if so does it have anything to do with your own history?

  • I did at one point in time, and a whole cast of characters to boot. It was a wonderful post-apocalyptic fantasy where Cid and his crew were sort of in a "Plague Dogs" situation. For those unfamiliar with Plague Dogs, it's a depressing story about two laboratory dogs that escape a testing facility and are presumed to be caring a strain of plague virus which causes them to be relentlessly hunted by the government. The difference though is that the dogs in that story aren't carrying a thing and are completely innocent. Cid and his friends are highly contagious but immune to what they carry , and end up becoming tragic villains desperate to survive even if it means dooming what's left of civilization rather than becoming martyrs or self-sacrificing heroes. This was actually a scene from this story and the only one that I still like enough to keep in my gallery XD

I still consider this world to be the canon world of "Cid the character" but not "Cid the Fursona" even though I've never fully drawn or wrote it out. Maybe one day...

As for having anything to do with my own history? Well no XD Although funnily enough I have worked for a short time in animal research labs at a college's biomedical sciences facility XD However I had thought up this story YEARS before I had that job.

Is your fursona mated, if so is it to your real life significant other?

  • What a dumb word. And no. Cid being alone is part of what makes him, him! I mean, if I was in a relationship or something, I might draw our characters interacting but that wouldn't really be "canon" to his character story. Likewise I do plan on drawing Cid with my friends' characters for cute gift art and stuff, but ultimately as far as I'm concerned Cid as both a character and avatar will always be a loner regardless of my personal relationships and friendships.

** If not are they looking for a mate, or are they a swinger so to speak?**


Is there something special about your fursona that you think sets them apart from others?

Physically no not really. I think his backstory is pretty nifty and unique though so I guess that might count for something.

Do you have much art of your main fursona/s?

No and I'm a bit disappointed in myself for not drawing him or any personal work for years. But commissions do come first so personal art will have to wait till all that is done.

Would you ever consider parting with your main fursona, if so why?

  • Nope =P Cid's practically a parasite! I don't think I could get rid of him even if I tried XD

If you suit, do you have a suit of your main fursona?

  • I don't do the suiting thing. Although, I'm sure there are some artists who could make an amazing Cid suit if I could ever pay for such a thing. I admit I do think that would look pretty awesome to see that.

Have you ever roleplayed with your main fursona, or do you prefer not to?

  • Hehehe yeah, I went through a bit of an experimental phase with RP's and stuff years ago. Didn't really find it too interesting though. I'd much rather write my own stories or draw scenes up on my own.

Do you consider your main fursona to be a part of you in any way?

  • Yeah I guess so. Cid's been around forever in one form or another. I've always enjoyed the witty antihero archetype and Cid was pretty much born from that. And like I mentioned before he does have some of my best and worst traits so how could I not consider him a part of me?

Character Information
