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Iyospru Maria Loreto by Teskine

Iyospru Maria Loreto


Iyospru Maria Loreto
~100 lbs

Human/Gijinka version.
Anthro version: [coming soon]

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Name: Iyospru Maria Loreto
Nicknames: Iyo, Lore
Age: 26
Height: 5’3”
Eyes: Rose Red
Hair: Silver
Skin: Tan
Build: Thin
Status: Taken
Preference: Males
Piercings: 3 each ear; 1 left eyebrow; bellybutton

Animal characteristics are from her lynx-dragon form.

Wise and prideful, she never backs down from her commitments and is always there to give advice. She is sly, cautious, and secretive, especially about her past. Her few good friends are everything to her – like family. Usually presents herself in a confident, upbeat manner.
She loves sweets of all kinds, and is known to eat copious amounts of food without gaining any weight.

Iyospru was born into a large family of gypsies. She grew up upholding to all the customs of her culture, despite some disagreements with a few. At the age of 14 she was to be wed by her parents’ arrangements. It proved to be the final string. Outraged, she ran away to live life freely and deserted the majority of her customs.
Living on her own was more difficult than she thought, especially when so young. Nobody would hire her, either for her age or her obvious gypsy heritage. She lived in alleys and ate scraps out of trash cans to survive. When winter rolled around she fell ill. Cold, malnourished, and near death, she regretted having run away. She stumbled into the streets, teary eyed, in the direction of home. She proved too weak to get very far, collapsing in a bed of snow on the roadside.
Next thing she knew it, she found herself in the care of young man named Puck. For years she traveled around with this Puck character, whom was quite obviously a thief when she got to know him. From him she learned many tricks, the most useful being how to be an expert at pick-pocketing and lock-picking. Even though she wasn't always doing the right things, she was free, and she was thankful for every second of it.
Iyospru became extremely attached to Puck, eventually developing strong feelings of love for him. Unfortunately, when she was about 20, he succumbed to an illness and passed away before she could confess to him her feelings. She continued on traveling, living her gypsy lifestyle, until meeting a man named Kelleen, whom gave her a chance to get off the streets and eventually gained her affections.

Character Information
