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Niemand by Safyras




(Prepare for one hell of a long read.)


FULL NAME: Niemand
SEX: Male
AGE: 35


Niemand is a pure black turian with a proper sized fringe and stands at 7ft and has bright white eyes that continuously glow from the biotics. His tribal tattoo is done with invisible UV active light so in daylight he is seen as a bare face; in a black light, the patterns glow a bright blue. He wears tight black slacks, a dark crimson or emerald long sleeve silk shirt with a reverend style black trench coat covering his form. The trench having a large V front with the silver metal buttons at his waist. The turian also wears knee high boots over his slacks with silver buckles running up on the outer sides and chrome like metal on the fronts of the boots covering his claws. Wrapped around his neck is a black leather choker with inch long silver spikes running around it. His lower right leg from knee down is cybernetic, but he has never shown anyone his bare form so it remains concealed; unknown.


From arms length, Niemand seems cold, seductive and seems to hold an air of charming. That is a face for his clients and the general populace, in reality Niemand has demand for strict control on how his life goes about day to day with both a harsh tongue and bitter outlook within the galaxy and its many inhabitants. He would much rather be concealed within his own office with a bottle of whiskey in one talon and a cigarette in the other. In the past, he once enjoyed what his establishment had to offer, but now he has become a harsh, bitter turian who would much rather prefer solitary confinement versus companionship of any real form be it out of simple lack of want, or fear.


Born October 31 2148; Niemand grew up only knowing the walls and scientists of a heavily reinforced facility upon Noveria, owned and run by an asari organization known as Isla Gen. The organization of this particular establishment ran many experiments upon different alien races that revolved around biotics and figuring out how to add further power to the natural amount within the entities they were working on. The goal was to see if they can amp up the biotics even further from their natural power. This was done by exposing pregnant females to high doses of EEZO and taking the newborns, raising them and seeing the different effects from modified implants placed in the children that showed biotic potential. Those that gave no signs of biotic capabilities or were born with the more common physical complications; tumors that eezo exposure caused to the fetus, were quickly disposed of so to not waste valuable resources within the base. Though viewed as cruel acts by many, Isla Gen saw it more in the means of the big picture, learning through the suffering of a few to better the many others that remained.

Separated from his mother only a few weeks after birth and given the name T-0643, it was all he knew from a metal band that was lashed around his right wrist holding the 'name' and date of his birth; he grew up only knowing the asari that raised him. These aliens he knew consisted of the four assigned medical assistants and a single doctor by the name of Mya, that aided in his continued health, making sure he was a fit subject if biotics were to take hold. They were designated to work with him and a few generations that were before and after him but never did he see the other children. They were strictly kept apart to keep down any potential uprisings let alone defiance. T-0643 grew up not knowing these experiments were not of the norm nor that how he was treated was in the means of cruelty and prejudice for what he was. The turian child woke up in a small cell with only a small slot for the trays of food to be slid in every morning though never saw daylight, taken out and having tests run to see when or if his biotic potential would come to the surface, then when the late hour chimed, was placed back into the cell. This was his life day in and day out.

Being nothing more but a test subject, he was not given any proper lessons of reading nor writing, the asari tongue Mya naturally spoke in was all he learned from just having grown up around it. Nor was proper clothing provided, only the simplest of cloth that covered his lower torso was provided but gave no real comfort or warmth. As the years slid by, T-0643 began to show the beginning signs of biotics at the age of ten, his regular doctor was thus replaced by a new alien he had never seen before called a human; a German Doctor by the name of Anselm Baldwin and that was when the harsher experiments soon began to take place.

The black hide he wore caused a paranoid cruelty arise from the Doctor that made him quickly and harshly run the experiments on T-0643 just to be rid of the boy as fast as possible. T-0643 learned quickly the doctor did not care for him by how he responded to the turian child compared to how the four assistants reacted to his presence, but could not understand why. The youth believed the harder he worked to try and help these people he had known all his life, maybe this new doctor would come to enjoy his company and not look at him with such hate filled eyes.

Anselm had him implanted with a modified implant that would increase the biotic potential, from there they would put him in a large heavily shielded room and have him begin to perform simple tasks. Lift this case and move it over there, throw that container to the side as fast as you can, block this object. After doing these tests a few times throughout the period of a month, the doctor would take the turian youth back under the knife and add even further modifications to the amps implanted within his skull. These modifications were to enhance the output of the biotic field each user manifested. With no care for the subject the tests were run upon, the modified implants were only to push the field in a rather aggressive manner, thus making the energy usage all the more powerful but it came with a price...

Even then, though he started to feel pain, savage headaches that tore at him from within and out; T-0643 continued to try and win the favor of the human; Anselm. He pushed himself in the biotic training through that reinforced room to near collapsing, he fought the agony that burned his body as the continued modifications seemed to both intensify his biotic capabilities and yet create even severe migraines and body aches when he tried to control and manifest the energy in his own way versus allowing it to just flow. This left him shivering in agony throughout the long nights in the cold cell that had been his home all those years.

Year 2164; at the age of 15, T-0643 was struggling hard in the biotic training facility. After the most recent modification that pushed the energy even further beyond the boundaries of control, he blazed with the biotics, glowing in a blinding manner, but with a talon raised forward, eyes scrunched with concentration wrought over his facial plates, nothing moved; his commands ignored and his skull burned with agony. Though the modified amps within his skull allowed the heavy biotics that swept over his body; T-0643 no longer had any control over the energy. It happened so suddenly when fatigue began to consume him; the turian felt as if he was on fire and screaming in agony, the biotics were unleashed in a sweeping violent wave shattering and tossing everything around him in a savage vortex of raw energy. He could not recall how long it last nor how many times it pulsed, just that each time it thrummed through him, he felt as if his hide would burn off. It left him dizzy, faint and feeble, causing him to stumble and crash to the ground. His body was too weak to do anything, only his eyes seemed capable of movement as he looked up to the looming form of An

Character Information



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    (History is apparently a wee too long, posting the rest in segments if you are interested in the read)

    ...Anselm standing over him, his voice spoke in anger though the ringing in T-0643's ears drowned out the actual words. It was when the doctor's foot made contact with his side making him skid across the floor did he give into a surprised noise. He watched the doctor in agony as his mind raced wondering what he had done wrong! As the doctor gave orders, armored human males entered the room, men he had never seen before, headed right at where the doctor pointed to; at him. For the first time, T-0643 felt fear and he cried out to the doctor; why was he doing this? What did he do wrong? He could do better! As the armored men grabbed and pulled him to his feet, the doctor stepping closer, sneered at the turian and spoke harshly at the youth.

    “Sie sind Niemand sie dreckig Geschöpf! Sie wird es niemals sein! Bringen Sie ihn weg, er ist nicht mehr mit mir!”

    You are Nobody you filthy creature! You never will be! Take him away, he is no longer any use to me!


    As he was being pulled away, that single word ran in his skull... The doctor had given him a name; right? He felt numb; nothing as the soldiers tossed him into a small cell, yet the scent was foreign. This was not his cell, it smelled of putrid fear, blood, something other than his own or that of the asari or humans. There he waited, hours, days, no longer was he called upon by the assistants nor the doctor. The words the doctor had sneered at him continued to pour within his mind and for once; he began to understand. He was nothing; nobody; Niemand. For the first time in the entirety of his life; T-0643 cried from the realization... the doctor never cared for him. Something seemed to burn within the turian's chest, a new found emotion he never felt before. The tears fell but no longer of sadness, they burned with that pit rising in his chest. At the age of 15, locked away in that small cell; T-0643 felt and understood Hate.

    No longer did food get handed to him, not since he was placed within the cell. After many days slid past and he began to become consumed by the hatred of the man we had known all his life, the turian was dragged from the small cell by more armored guards and forced into a room much like the one he had trained his biotics within, yet this one was filled with other races he had never seen before, looking as disheveled as he. It was about thirty beings all standing near each other in a feeble attempt of failed familiarity and comfort. Little did he know, the room they were standing in was a gas chamber. To save time and resources, the establishment locked away the finished projects until a good portion was gathered so they could be dealt with as a whole and dispose of the bodies. As death was close at hand, something seemed to snap in T-0643; no longer did hatred seethe within him, but rage; anger! He did not know about a better life, but he did know he wanted out!

    Opportunity was given when the guards were hauling in another finished project. The black turian lunged at them, full out aggression, all that pent up hatred, anger, rage burned forth. Even though with no real training on fighting, he attacked. The other races who were once solemn and vacant in both mind and expression watched the guards fight against the savage male as like a wave, they seemed to wake up back into reality, first that joined alongside T-0643 was a drell, and swiftly after, the others followed suit. The revolt had begun!

    It was a savage, bloody battle, T-0643 gave no attention to the others of both 'ally' and foe as his mind was focused on getting out. He did not want to be here anymore, the hatred and anger that he felt now was constantly refreshed as he tore through the hallways he had come to recognize from his many years of growing up. He having found his way back into the sector that held the humans he had known let alone 'his' cell, it was there T-0643 found the doctor; Anselm cowering with fear from him as he approached. T-0643 was no fool and now understood everything that had happened, the pain, suffering, sorrow, hate, anger was based on this place and on this doctor who now screamed at him to get away; due to the emotional exertion, his biotics reacted in a uncontrolled violent pulse, thrashing the room savagely. When the turian came too, his lower right leg was gone, not far off, Anselm lay on the ground in a crumpled heap; no longer of the living. Though feeling victory for the death of the doctor, the turian was prone, laying on the ground in his own blood not knowing what to do now. It was the drell youth that had helped him start the uprising that found him, bound his wound and carried him out of that establishment and into a vessel he and the remaining survivors had commandeered.

    Having taken a human pilot as a prisoner, the youths forced the human to fly them off that hell of a planet with no real idea of where they were to head to. From one of the youths speaking up from what he had overheard from the guards back in the building they have grown to hate and fear; the pilot was forced to take them to Omega.

    After arriving on the station, while most of the youths stuck together, a few went their own way; T-0643 being one of them. No longer though did he carry that name when he stepped off of that ship; he was to be known as Niemand. The drell youth that had plucked the turian off of the ground and bound his injury was the only one that followed close with Niemand; going with the simple name D from the title D-9801, helped the turian move about the station by finding a cheap plastic prosthetic leg that could be hobbled along. They lived off of scraps found throughout the spaceport and fleeing from any sign of trouble. At first, they dealt with this lifestyle seeing it was all they knew, but quickly Niemand wanted more. Being exposed to the society of real life beyond the metal walls he had been concealed behind for so many years, he wanted a better life than what was already given to him. D though began to lean more for the mercenary life; taking dangerous jobs for a few mere credits and wasting any savings on liquor and drugs.

    At the age of 16, a year after his freedom was given, Niemand and D got into a fight. D had stolen the meager savings the turian had been trying to scrounge and save up for a better limb let alone the hope of a better life; spending it on himself for blue sun armor and weaponry. Anger soured between the two, yet as the argument grew all the more intense, D lost control of his biotics. The savage outburst pulled the boy apart, the rundown ruin they had been staying within was utterly destroyed. Niemand fled from destruction and lost himself within the numbness of what he had witnessed. Fear took over on his own self from the biotics he harbored; fearing such outbursts would cause him to be ripped apart. As he grew, Niemand refused to use his biotics nor let his emotions get the better of him; the memory of what happened to D was a constant nightmare and reminder of what could happen to him.

    Alone in a dangerous environment, the turian quickly began to scower the markets of Omega, looking for any form of work. A batarian running a simple hole in the wall bar took him in and from there, though a struggle, Niemand worked hard. Saving everything he made, at the age of 18, he had a small place to call home and a new prosthetic limb. Having taken up studies on reading and writing, his horizon of knowledge greatly expanded. The age of 19, Niemand found his way to Illium; there he took studies within an asari run business class establishment where he gained the much needed knowledge of running a business. While still in his studies, the turian took up work at two locations; one being a club known as 'Nebula' in the older side of the capital Nos Astra and the other, a daytime job in the same area; a Waffle house known as 'Waffle L

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    a Waffle house known as 'Waffle Luffles' that specialized in waffles of both Dextro and Amino races. From there Niemand scrimped and saved every credit he obtained.

    He distanced himself from the other students and from the employees he worked with. Trust had become near impossible for him to accept from everything he had lived through. Too jaded with the mentality no one was your 'friend' unless you had something they wanted, anyone he did act friendly to was all for means of business growth; nothing more. He began to garb himself in dark clothing, and carry himself in a means of intimidation to both keep anyone at arms length from him and to maintain the level of control over himself and his emotions.

    At the age of 24; Niemand finally was able to obtain the title for a vacant building along the finer streets of Nos Astra. Calling it Forbidden and establishing it in the form of a place for one to go and find their dark desires and twisted curiosities, it at first started out small, yet within four more years it began to grow with size, elegance, and popularity. As the money began to go into the establishment, Niemand embellished on himself by purchasing a cybernetic limb in replacement on the prosthetic he had been wearing for years. He refined his clothing, constructed his home in the basement of the club and he felt happiness for the first time. It sadly did not last for as long as he had hoped.

    As the years slid past, he became all the more distant from everyone as with the growth of the club demanded more paper work, more stress, more anxiety; more fear of his biotics stepping out of line, going unchecked. Only when he was around his patrons did you see any form of a smile even though it was forced. The turian at the age of 27 had begun to fall into a pattern of drinking heavily and sucking down the smoke from cigarettes. All the more did he keep himself hidden, concealed within his office, no longer did he appear as often to his patrons. The joy of his club began to elude the turian and yet still he kept maintaining it for it was his success, his better life that he had wanted; or so he made himself believe.

    In the year 2183, at 35 years old, he still runs Forbidden but has become bitter, harsh within his older years and only showed any other real form of emotion, even if a lie to himself, when trying to convince the many patrons to spend their credits within his establishment. Allowing no one near him, once out of a fear of his emotions, now, out of just a forced habit he has learned to live with.

    Living the solitary life brought on by his own choices, Niemand remained within the establishment. A King that felt no true joy in a Kingdom he brought into creation; here he continues to rule within Forbidden; this is where his story continues...