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[character] Lady Yates by SirMeo

[character] Lady Yates


[character] Lady Yates
160cm / 5ft3
Slim, somewhat pear shaped*
Lesser Fae**

[* I don't really care to know her exact weight]
[** she has, however, grown in human society ("western countries" too) and thus can be directly be compared to a human. The exact name of her particular branch of lesser fae is also "officially" known as "Children of Dalitha" for their supposed deity and oh my god i'm already telling too much]

'Verse: Kissa

Arrogant, proud, needlessly smug, very, very vain.
Despite having grown and living in a human society, she retains feeling smugly superior to normal humans (much like all Fae do, and generally treats people like dirt until you manage to convince her you are worth taking seriously. It's not easy. To those she likes she is... well, not necessarily always nice, but because her friendships also tend to be of vitriolic variety, but she is loyal and will help and protect you when needed.

Gets a kick out of fit men punching other fit men for her sake :3

Sweet child who ended up getting dark.
And stuff I dunno.
She encounters the main characters after making a deal with a pseudo-deity.
It's that kind of a story.

Random notes:

  • Her eyebrows are DARK and NOT the color of her hair. Black or dark brown, I don't mind, but don't make them light.
  • Never call her by her first name. NEVER DO THAT, that is a privilege you do not have. Lady is alright, Yates is alright.
  • Professional killer despite her looks. Or maybe because of it. Yates gets a kick out of power and abusing power and really, really enjoys when people know that she is the alpha bitch. Despite this she never truly be interested in and of people who let themselves to be walked over.

[something to test the character submission thing... ugh i usually can draw this character my eyes closed but now, when i want to draw something that could work as a reference..... YEAH. I will replace this if/when I get around drawing something better.]

Character Information



  • Link

    You mention a 'verse and a story and I just wanted to know where are these? Are they available for anyone to read?

    • Link

      Nevermind! I'm dumb, this is from your webcomic, Nightfall, right?

      • Link

        Nah, she's from a whole different project. "'Verse" practically IS what project the character is from (if any)