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Shakou by Shakou The Wolf


Shakou The Wolf

Is now 5 years of existence
1.9 meters
66 Kg

A new dawn rises...

Shakou is living happily with his family, being a silly and adventurefull wolfy, having a good time.

But then.. it happened...

As Shakou grew up, he met other wolves, these weren't as friendly as his family, in fact, he gets bullied.
Every day and time again, getting bullied and bullied...

After a time Shakou grows tired of all the bullying and decides to go on an adventure much further away than
just his own home...

A couple weeks later, Shakou finds an wide area, most likely a battlefield, where Humans and Demons had fallen.
Rotten corpses, rusted armor and weapons everywhere.

This war had been ended some years ago before Shakou's birth, this war existed out of Humans trying to defend
their land and Demons trying to siege the Humans.

Now our dear "feral" wolf decides to take a look around the battlefield , when suddenly he spots something...
rather shiny.
Which would be absurd in such an old and forgotten place.

He approaches the shiny object which appears to be a golden ring with red gems on them.
Shakou thought it would make him look more badass with the ring on his tail, so he put it on.

As soon as he puts it on his tail, he starts to feel a strange warmth crawling up his body, changing his
appearance from a normal grey-gray wolf to a "Demonic wolf". His fur turned red and he had several markings
as well.
After that he fainted... laying there for several hours after his transformation.

As the hours passed by, he woke up, finding a pretty Greatsword in front of him, that protrudes from the
ground and also the gems on the ring got a more bloody-red color.
He regained his strength, he thought one more time about his terrible past, and face-pawed as he doesn't
want to think about that anymore~

Shakou is still confused about what happened, but he now seeks further adventures, as he feels this is a
start of a new beginning, forgetting his crude past, and always looking forward to any new encounters.

Eventually he realizes the ring empowers him with demonic powers.
Shakou also makes new friends, and fights for them, at their side and protecting them at all cost.
Using those powers to bring justice is what feels right for him ~

Character Information
