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Cathaal by DrestInPlaid



19 Years
210 lbs.
Wolverine-Wolf-Bear hybrid/ Wolfverbear (Ursus Lupus Vorax)

This is my original fursona (Now moved to being a simple original character).

Personal Description:
As far as personality goes, he is intelligent, and though he is stronger than he looks, he prefers to stick to his subterfugal and intellectual assets, using his guile to attain a victory (Either martial or otherwise) than anything else. He has little qualm with violence, though he goes about it with cunning, and makes efficient use of his resources, both on and off of the battlefield.

Outwardly he is calm and collected, stone faced while a raging storm whirls within. Some have even commented on his placidity and composure as unnerving, though he does have his soft spots. Even then it takes an effort to disrupt his sangfroid.

A bit of a bleeding heart, he is sensitive, though years of abuse and hardship has jaded him and in turn has made emotional expression difficult, even when he puts forth effort to show it. Though, with his emotional inner self coupled with an inherited warrior-poet mindset, he is very poetic and romantic in turn, having a honeyed tongue and can write very touching things, as well as articulate his feelings verbally in a beautiful manner. When it comes to romance he is loyal to a fault, and commits to his partner to the bitter end, putting them before himself at all times. This has resulted in his fair share of both rational and irrational insecurities that he does not express openly whatsoever.

Though he greatly enjoys company, he is used to a life of solitude, and can do well in either case. Though, when he is solitary, he becomes fully apathetic and numb, as it is a mechanism he had developed in his upbringing. Anger is his most powerful emotion, and dwarfs that of any other emotion of his, as the medicine men and shamans have felt from his energies. Some have even said that the very air thickens and strangles you, a crushing sensation that comes with his ire.

Preferred Weaponry:

  • Two-Handed: Scottish Claymore, Ravenna Sword, Bastard Sword
  • One-Handed: Longsword & Hand Ax

Marital Status: Mated to Lokiri Valhal


  • Istharius Dashrike: Anthropomorphic Bronze Dragon
  • Lokiri Valhal: Red Snow Otter (Snow Leapard Otter Red Panda hybrid)
  • Rorik North / Rorik the Ulvfendinn: Maned Wolf-Pangolin hybrid

Applicable RP Settings:

  • Fantasy
  • Medieval/Middle Ages: Low Middle Ages preferred
  • Classical Era
  • Ancient Era

Character Information
