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Mills by EmuSal



Young adult
Relatively tall
On the heavy side.
Drowzee (tapir)

Mills might be considered the distinction between a 'thug' and a 'bully'.

On the violent side since the passing of his mother, Mills enjoys a good brawl more than much anything else. Even his job as a thug doesn't satisfy his vicious side, and he can often be found spending his free time with a mug under his trunk at the local bar, gleefully jumping into any sort of tussle that may arise there.

Though his job involves beating others senseless for their belongings, he actually detests hurting the helpless and despises victimizing based on creed, gender, preference, species, ETC., and will throw himself into even horribly one-sided battles to defend them if he sees it. The way he sees it, fighting and beating professionally for personal gain is one thing, but fighting and beating simply because a difference exists is absolutely unacceptable.

This alienates many of the more unsavoury elements from befriending him, as they are often on the receiving end of his blows. Unfortunately, it does little to endear him to those he may protect, given his shady occupation, rough-and-tumble personality (even when being friendly), and his propensity for violence (they often think he fights simply for the sake of fighting), and Mills finds friends to be few and far between.

Though most of his talents involve punching something until it stops swinging back, surprisingly devoid of even psychic skills for a drowzee, Mills is known to have a rather fine singing voice. He also have moments of worldly clarity, occasionally granting him a reputation as a bar room philosopher. This all gives him his choice of partners whenever he chooses a less destructive way to spend the night.

In spite of his violent nature, Mills outright refuses to take a life, even if his own is in danger for it. He also thinks that weapons and lethal force ruin perfectly good brawls. Instead he has mastered the art of pummeling someone within an inch of their life without any permanent damage.

*there is more to be said about him, but there becomes a certain point where the only way to explain someone is through their action. I'll be drawing more of Mills in the future, which will hopefully clarify him a bit.

Character Information

