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Layla by Samishii Kami


Samishii Kami


Name: Layla
Age: 20s
Race: Tiefling
Edition: 3.5e
Class: Soulknife
Future Class(es): Soulbow and/or Kensai and/or Master Thrower

Long Backstory:

One day a small bundled up baby was dropped off at a village. No one ever saw the parents, and they were glad. One person heard the wailing of the child and immediately went in search. However, when they picked up the bundle to see the child’s face, they nearly dropped the baby to the ground. They ran to the church with the bundle and offered it and cried that hell had befallen the village.

When they too examined the baby they saw the child’s unnaturally dark skin and the two bumps atop the baby’s forehead. Upon further inspection they saw a growth from the base of the baby’s spine as well as two bumps on the shoulders as well.

A tiefling.

They hurriedly showered her in holy water, raised their holy symbols and prayed to the spirits to expel the child. But nothing happened. Those present could only stare at the unaffected child and wonder. There was no evil presence in the child. They were unsure of what to do at this point. They could not kill an innocent and could not abandon the child either as it was merely a passive death that would still stain their hands.

They eventually settled to have her raised by the church and community to be good, to do good, and hope her heritage would not overtake her.

Many in the village protested, even as the child grew and did no harm. They could not overlook the horns that grew, the wings that sprouted, the tail that swung around behind her. Most refused to let their children near her and when some children disobeyed behind their backs, the demon child was blamed and accused of manipulating the children.

She was not completely alone though. Some that helped raise her saw she did no harm, those who were unfamiliar with the stories of tieflings knew no better, and the few more open-minded individuals that resided.

However, all was not well. The village was by the coast and frequently attacked by pirates. During one such attack when the child, named Layla, was 7 years of age, the town was nearly burnt down. When one of Layla’s caretakers found her, she was merely staring at the destruction and fire unmoving. She was entranced and only her tail moved as it softly and slowly padded from side to side. It was not until she was physically shaken that she awoke from her stupor.

This happened on two other occasions when Layla was still a child. When she was around 20 and the village was being pillaged, she killed one of the men that attacked. She was found standing over the dead body with blood on her hands and arms. The man’s arms and face were clawed at and his throat ripped. And while it was determined to be inn self defense, some of the villagers still became wary especially because of the nonchalance Layla had about the event.

She became more involved with the hunting and fishing after this, anything that kept her pre-occupied and gave any kind of thrill.

Layla is 25 now. Her horns, wings, and tail are fully grown out. She is not as disliked or ignored now as she once was. She works and helps bring food to the village. She gained a bit of a sailor’s mouth from working on the coast on occasion, but she is otherwise low key. She helps with minor jobs and chores around whether she wants to or not if only to keep up with good appearance (so to speak). There was a slight shift in the village as the next generation began to take charge. They grew up with her and those who did not take to heart what the parents had said do not mind Layla. She is different, a bit intimidating because of her appearance, but not bad.
She hears many stories about her race form those that come through though. Many think she no longer cares what others think or say about her as she says nothing, denies nothing, does nothing to retaliate. But she does. Even those few that place her with all others and it makes her blood boil, but she cannot do anything or they will be scared again. She has some friends that will listen to her now, keep her company, and they are what keep her grounded. She feels a tug still though. Buried deep within her, her blood calls for entertainment, for destruction and the hunting will not always be enough.

She wants to leave soon, no one will mind, and she cannot say she will miss the village too much. She had some good memories, but nothing astounding. She needs to be stronger though, she needs more power. To prove herself. Prove she can control herself and her heritage. She does not care to prove anything for anyone else of her race, just herself. They abandoned her, their blood ruins her. So she will leave this place of memories and make something of herself. And she will do so the help of herself, no other spirit will guide her but her own.

Character Information
