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Thaline Dein by Hege

Thaline Dein


Thaline Dein
Several Hundred Years
as much as corpse probably
Satyr / Black Flock

Thaline is a bit of a silent and calm like person. She tends to take things slow most of the part and seems to show lot of empathy to other people. Well atleast she seems, though her motives and acts can be bit twisted by the part.

Thaline tends to speak in bit of old styled english and thus refers to people as “thou” or “thee” instead of “you” when speaking about people in singular. She is bit old fashioned in a way you can say.

Thaline was a little goatie girl that lived in the old middle ages styled world. She was in a good family for the time, she was planning to study to become a doctor and was working out pretty well towards that goal. She was good in knowledge about herbs and the basic first aid of the time being.

Unfortunately for Thaline she was slowly infected by a plague, as she was falling ill, it meant that she was pretty much death sentenced and got isolated up. For her luck, or non luck, the trait of the plague was the more rarer type.. The plague of ages.
This plague runs it normal course, but leaves the host afterwards to raise again to be stuck in a linger of life and death. Still alive, yet, slowly turning to a more and more dead. Bit like undeath.

Thaline suffered and apparently slowly ended up dying not too long after she got ill.
After her death.. She was in complete confusion. She was suppoused to be dead, right? Well she found herself waking up on the same bed she lied before, she was not really sure what was going on anymore. She got up and felt her senses gone haywire, yet she was feeling like she was in completely fine condition.

Thaline sat down on the wall of her isolated room wondering just exactly what was going on. The lower part of the bed had a time of death and everything, she really was suppoused to be dead, was this the afterlife? Was she a ghost? No, there was no corpse.. She was still here, she could feel herself, to a degree..

Out on her confusion, she felt staggered as suddenly the door slowly creaked open. From the doorway, a character dressed in the plague doctors black robes, peak, hat and everything slowly walked in. This character was like the doctors that had treated her before but.. Something felt off about this fellow. This person made very little sound, the words were unclear and echoing, hissing.. However they offered her their hand to help her up. After hesitating, she took the hand and got up to face this ‘doctor’. Not much words were exchanged, she was given similar robes, pretty much the whole plague doctor set that would fit her pretty well which after she only made out one clear word: “come.” as the person hand signalled her to follow.

They walked down and through the hospital, Thaline could recognize some more familiar doctors here, nurses and the like, she was looking at them but no one recognized her though, everyone was busy.. Though she did not get a chance to try to talk to anyone as if she would, the character she was following would stop her and tell her “ignore.”

They slowly got out and made their way past the slow moving city where the disease had gone more and more spread. Houses were marked, there were bonfires.. Thaline could recognize people here, but she had to keep up with this character that was dragging her along now. This was real as it could get, she was sure this is no dream, no afterlife.. But she still was clueless on how and why.

At the outskirts of the city she was greeted by a small group of people dressed like them, clearly expecting her and the other characters return. As she was brought near them, she was given bows and welcomed. Not many of them had clear voices or even were able to talk, but she was apparently welcomed to the “black flock”.

Her fate was made clear to her: They told her what her condition was and how she would now be considered to be part of the “Black Flock” race. In time, she would slowly turn more and more towards undeath, lose her bodily functions, parts, yet, still be alive for as long as she is not killed in a matter of a way that destroys her entire body.

It was pretty heavy stuff that she was told here, whenever she wanted to take her new life as a gift or curse was up to her, but at least she had time to figure that on herself.

On her ways:
As Thaline was accepting her fate and learning to live her new life as much as she could, she would become more clear on her own abilities, what she can do and the like.

It seemed like the group she met did not bind her or anything, and it seems many people in her condition were going solo, not many groups like this were around. She was warned that some were even pretty dangerous. Thaline kept going on with this group for about hundred years or so and was slowly learning more on the ways of medical care.

Thaline finally got on her own ways after learning what she could from these new friends of hers and went on her own adventure, She was made sure to know she was always welcome back at anytime.


Medical care & Herb knowledge. Thaline has pretty good knowledge on how to treat wounds and poisons of many times and some more common diseases. She however does not know how to go too advanced.

Goat kicking. Thalines legs are strong and her hooves are hard, she is able to move very swiftly and is very good at self defence. She can jump surprisingly high and climb very well.

Disease proof. Having suffered the plague of ages Thaline cannot be made ill by infections and the like, though she can still show symptoms by other means like chemicals and poisons.

Limited immortality. Thaline cannot be slain too easily and will only die if her body gets vaporized completely in a way such as being melted completely or something. However she can still be knocked out cold as she does feel pain and all to a degree.

Limited dark magic. Thaline knows a little dark magic for a few spells here and there. But she rarely uses these.


Extra pieces. Thaline got to be really careful with her body parts and the like when getting wounded, when she gets damaged it is hard for her to work things back as she cannot really regenerate too well. Scratches and all pretty much stay.

Holy & Fire weakness. Fire based weaponry and “holy” acts/spells can damage her more than usually. Thalines current gear is mostly fireproof though but she still has her spots what aren’t covered.

Not really too well of a fighter. She is self defensive but not a real fighter.

Thaline is seemingly straight, but in her condition, she doesn’t really think about this sort of things too much really.

Character Information

