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Illivaes Yuwo Moriseip (Illi) by ScarredSilver

Illivaes Yuwo Moriseip (Illi)


Illivaes Yuwo Moriseip (Illi)
28 in
95 lbs

She was born brown and looked wolfish (taking after her dad) her family was great and then when she was in her teen years something happened to their home sending her parents, her, and her younger brother out to look for another place to live. During that time her dad turned rude and verbally abusive towards her and her mother and then just left them one day after they had found a place to stay with her uncle (cliche and dumb sorry) While they were moving around looking for a place to stay what Illi thought was an imaginary friend would talk to her, letting her cry and vent and rant to her until she felt better. Her hate and sadness made her 'friend' grow and she soon started to take not only her bad feelings, but also the good, leaving Illi feeling 'numb' half the time.

Over the time the manifestation was growing Illi's physical appearance changed too due to the amount of hate and depression the creature in her had (like it the old book by Judy bloom I think? Where if a person was nice and sweet on the inside it would show on the outside, but if they were mean and hateful it showed on the outside) It made the fur along her back turn into something like an over coat so it would drape over her, something she subconsciously made out to be something of a shield against the outside and a shell for her to hide in. It turned black due to her deep bottomless depression and the rest of her fur turned red from her hate for the world and her dad, dark shading appeared under her eyes from the lack of sleep she use to get and now none of what has been done to her physically can be reversed.

The thing she imagined grew so strong it was able to make her hallucinate vividly, usually giving her visions of her snapping and murdering her dad or others who had upset her at one point, mainly her dad. The visions grew worse the older she got, giving the creature more control over her enough where she could get into her head even while she was awake. Only until recently has she been able to fight it back. Her dad has started trying to lead her brother away from her now depressed mother and he's falling for his lies that she can see through and is trying her best to stop him from making the mistake of trusting him again, it being difficult now since he's a teenager and thinks he can do everything on his own.

Her dad started to emotionally abuse her again and it's making her slide back towards the thing in her mind, allowing it to manipulate her again and cause Illi to hurt herself (she has scars under her fur that cant be seen unless it's pulled away) and others by making her think they're still friends like when she was younger. It pulls the whole "You're disgusting and horrible and no one wants you now, but I still do" kind of card because she knows Illi can see what happened.

Character Information
