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Krinh by krinh



fag [Fox cAt doG]

so this is my current fursona "Krinh"

I created her about... 7 or so months ago. Right after i had been dumped. My fursona at that time was a brightly colored Fag named Skizzles... but since i was in a sad/bad place... i just couldnt relate with Skizzles anymore. So created a new Fursona for my Artistic side thats quiet.

The Species: The FAG [Fox cAt doG]
So im not claiming to have created my "default species". when i first thought about creating a fursona, i didnt like the thought of, no matter what i choose thered be 10000 furs that were the same thing. One morning when my mom woke me up early to go somewhere, i txt my friend a random thought i had sayin "when i get older i want a pet thats par fox, dog, and cat.... i shall call it a fag".... i didnt use the species till months later. i liked the uniqueness of the name. as well as, i loved the reaction i got from other furs when i told them. Only drawback is right off the back everyone assumes im using the term in an insulting way. and im %100 not. I try to make that as clear as i can. Im a simple Tri-brid and want to preserve my colorful uniquness


Krinh is normally soft spoken. She tries not to argue and ends up say "im sorry", even when its not her fault. She is super caring and tries to go out of her way to either cheer sumone up or help them out sumhow. Normally shes doing arts. Either for herself or for sumone else. She likes making something for a friend and surprising them with it. Making someone she cares about smile and laugh is the one thing she tries to do. She can try and be outgoing. Normally only comfortable around her mate Riavis. Absolutely loves to cuddle him and derp around. She tries not to argue with anyfur, and when she accidentally gets into one, she just apalogizes and tries to calm the other person down. Her fave snack is grapes, sunchips, fudge, and jerky. She tries not to be in loud crowded locations. Mostly cause it makes it super difficult for her to be heard. then she'll get frustrated and sad.

Visable Traits:

Hear ears are always slightly lowered. except when she is startled or shocked. she has a hear mark on her chest, representing her caring nature. and has 2 streaks on each thigh,representing the scar on each thigh i have from muscel biopsies i underwent as an infant. Her hair almost completely covers her right eye. Body type is small. Most of the time she will appear neither male or female. She doesnt really care about gender and just tends to display traits from both. If shown with clothing, normally hoodie, loose jeans, my fave black beanie with a small rim and a white checkered stripe going around the side.

Character Information
