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Sasha by PancakeShiners



3.5 lbs
#255 Torchic

Rank: Team Memory Co-leader
Nature: Sassy [strong willed]
Item: Hyper Rank Exploration Badge, Red Ribbon, Relic Fragment
Flavor: likes bitter [Rawst Berry], dislikes sweet [Pecha Berry]

Focus Energy [Normal/Status]

  • Sasha focuses her energy, and her body glows.
  • In her next attack, she’s more likely to hit the enemy’s weak spot.

Ember [Fire/Special]

  • Sasha hurls balls of fire from her mouth at the opponent.
  • Has a 10% chance of burning the target.

Mirror Move [Flying/Status]

  • Sasha’s eyes glow. She then duplicates the enemy’s last attack.

Aerial Ace [Flying/Physical]

  • Sasha is engulfed in white streaks of light. With great speed, she charges through the air at the opponent.
  • This attack never misses, and cannot be avoided.

Sasha is an abnormally small Torchic; she’s 11 inches tall rather than the normal height. That doesn’t stop her from fighting though. She can put up quite a fight. This is mainly due to her will to prove herself. She will push her limits and go just as far, if not farther than anyone else. She has a red ribbon that she uses to tie her Exploration Badge to her head. This ribbon was made by a Riolu named Mystic and shows her aura. She also carries her most prized possession, her Relic Fragment, on a dark blue lead on her neck.

Sasha’s parents were both famous explorers. They were known as Diane and Volcan. They were some of the guild’s first apprentices, and some of the first to graduate. They were very pleased when they had their first child of their own… A boy named Trevor. He was promising, strong and eager. He even wanted to be like his parents. Satisfied, they soon conceived another… Sasha. But she was very weak when she was born… If fact, many thought she wouldn’t live at all. And when she did, her parents were less than satisfied. She was very small… Puny. Many poked fun at the little Torchic, and embarrassed her parents. They came to dislike her. Her parents were very rude and were only taking care of her because it was the ‘right’ thing to do. She was very hopeful, and also wanted to be an explorer right now, but they found her a disgrace and very annoying. They did not treat her with kindness… She knew she wasn’t wanted. She became timid and nervous. But, even then, Sasha went on, not willing to give in just yet. One day, however, a few weeks after Trevor joined the guild with his partner, Colton, her parents disowned her, kicked her out, and were never seen from again. Heartbroken, Sasha ran off to Bubble Beach, where she met Sarah for the first time. As we know, getting back Sasha’s relic fragment from her brother’s team was only the first of Team Memory’s adventures...

Sasha, when she first met Sarah, was a very timid Torchic. She was unsure of herself, and very cowardly. However, deep down, she was a very hopeful Torchic, who dreamt to one day become an explorer, to see new places and to discover treasures. It was her greatest aspiration, but she’d always been too timid to try. But, with Sarah’s help, and after all their adventures together, Sasha succeeded. That timid little fire-type is no more. Today, Sasha is a loyal and eager Torchic. She’s always seeking to get out there and finish the job. She loves her work and nothing pleases her more than discovering secrets that Mystery Dungeons hold. Though the adventure part of her career is great, she also enjoys helping out other Pokemon when they get the occasional rescue job. Sasha likes to battle and enjoys a good fight. She won’t give in easily and it’s hard to change her mind, though not impossible. Her biggest flaw is her temper… Sasha would easily hold a grudge forever and forever against someone who has wronged her. She doesn’t take well at all to being bullied and will gladly put someone in their place. She also tends to think impulsively and is easily angered. Especially if someone insults her small size, which she is still sensitive about. But she is a friendly Pokemon. She loves her team mates, except maybe Cleo, and is a good friend to anyone she meets that she trusts. She may have a hard time trusting Pokemon with a bad reputation.

Character Information
