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Dvorak Draco by iconmaster

Dvorak Draco


Dvorak Draco
Unknown due to his immortality.
6 feet, just a hair taller than his race's average.
Unknown, although he appears to be of unremarkably average build for his height.

Dvorak? I remember Dvorak. What do you want to know?

These days, I believe he runs a historical society or something. DOFMS, it's called. I forge what the acronym stands for. Draco organization for... Metafictional Studies? I think that's it.

He studies... Well, metafiction, I guess. What's metafiction? How can I describe it. It's the study of fiction? More specifically, the fact that we're fiction.

Well, I'm fictional right now. I don't know who I'm talking to right now, to be honest.

He does a lot of seminars over at Mespeth University. Usually, it's about metafictional mechanics, or how to collect history without damaging canon, or about some of the things he's found as a part of DOFMS. I suggest you catch a few. He's long-winded, but knows what he's talking about.

Anyways, I know Mespeth's his alma mater. He was given a professorial position after he got his doctorate at some point, but I heard he turned it down in favor of DOFMS. I would have just taken the cushy job, myself.

But that's enough about his work. I've met him in private before. I can tell you, he loves to talk. Perhaps a bit too much. He's the kind of guy who really tries hard to be "classy". Too hard, because you need to be more than polite to be classy. He doesn't even need to eat anything to live, but guess what he drinks habitually? That's right, tea. And to be painfully honest, when he isn't taking about his work, he really doesn't have much else to talk about.

Does Dvorak even have a life? I don't know. Personally, his general lack of emotion gets to me after a while.

His wardrobe is of note, too. I've hardly ever seen him outside of his sets of suits. The ones with the blazers with epaulets on them. He isn't even associated with any armies, I don't think. He just likes epaulets. His tailor must make a fortune off of him.

I don't know much about his past. He used to be something called a Servant of Desidas. I have no clue what that means, and he really doesn't like to talk about it. All I know is that he was apparently created specifically for the role, and that it required him being immortal.

Yeah. he's immortal. Don't ask me his age, not even he knows at this point. He regenerates quickly. He must of been through a lot, huh?


He's more plot glue than man, really.

Character Information
