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Hunter Gavayan by FatalSyndrome

Hunter Gavayan


Hunter Gavayan
22 (ages with me outside of story)
Long Eared Hedgehog

This is my main fursona, when people ask me who my fursona is, this is who will get linked. He's me in every sense, both appearance and personality wise.

"If I dig you and you're cool, then I dig you and you're cool," would probably be his own words towards it. For the sake of needing a term, "panromantic" and "pansexual" both can apply.

Much like an animal you would keep as a pet, this character's behavior varies intensely based on the level of trust and value he has for the other person. He is not an approachable guy at first, coming off as very judgmental and has a general discomfort with strangers. This discomfort is usually harmless and is quickly brushed off if the person poses no threat.

If you get past this and manage to become close with him, however, Hunter shows his true personality. This is best described as eccentric, boisterous, and eager to please. Hunter is as loyal as one can possibly get. He wants more than anything to make those close to him happy and comfortable and willingly goes very far out of his way to do so. You could say he is incredibly submissive in the sense that he likes the other person having complete control. Hunter's biggest objective in life is making other people feel secure and safe. He is very overprotective, especially of those closest to him, and he will go to extensive lengths to protect them, even if he is well aware that they can probably take care of themselves.

In most situations with those he trusts he is very playful and silly, affectionate, talkative, and excitable. While he craves close bonds and emotional intimacy with others, he actually only likes having this with a few tight-nit people. He is very vigilant and hyper-aware of danger and manipulation from others. This sense is so strong that it leads into intensive, almost crippling anxiety. Hunter forces this back often times because he tries to be stoic and not let it concern anyone but himself. Being the way he is, he doesn't like many people and sees malice in most of them and doesn't have room in his heart to forgive harmful, cruel people, and he sees most people that way. However, those he loves, he loves, and will always be protective and loyal to them.

Hunter DOES have anger issues. Very bad anger issues. This is mostly shown towards those he sees as threatening. Should you threaten, or worse HARM anyone he cares about, Hunter will be out for blood and vengeance. He is a demon, after all, and is one with a severe "punisher" complex. He will personally drag someone down to hell and be their violent tour guide. While normally masochistic, Hunter will do a 180 and become INCREDIBLY sadistic if he hates someone and thinks they've done wrong and will go out of his way to make them suffer for their faults. Part of this animalistic behavior comes from the fact that he is a low-level demon, and has less control and sophistication than a high-level demon, who is more powerful but has a more sophisticated way of using said power. Regardless, he is more powerful than mortals in his world.

Being a demon, for the record, doesn't make him "evil". Demons in his universe can have any motive, but they are by nature more destructive beings. Hunter is very well intentioned and wants to protect the innocent and punish the guilty, but does so in a sadistic, unforgiving, chaotic, animalistic, and cruel way. He has no understanding of a constructive way of fixing these problems that he dwells on so much.

Good people, food, playing, doing things for others, being petted, having a stable and simple life.

Enemies, giving orders, being served, being "leader", manipulation, liars, sociopaths, anyone who poses a threat really. Passive aggressiveness, dishonesty, being lied to.

Character Information



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    I loooooove this guy 8D

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    Also omfg I accidentally typo'd "stop" as "snot" and realized "SNOT NOSING AROUND" would have been adequate of a comment as well.


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    Oh man what a fun design! I love that he's not "traditionally" attractive. And I am also amused by his orientation. XD