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Alter Deus by Blubberbutts

Alter Deus


Alter Deus
5' 5"
Humanoid Alien

Alterdeus (Alter Deus, pronounced All-Ter, Day-Us) is the son of a Sumo Wrestler (father) and a Mercenary (mother), he's a purple space alien from the planet Grodos that comes to Earth to find out who attacked his brother. Along the way he has many misadventures and discovers a secret about Earth that he wasn't supposed to know.

Alters horns and tail can retract into his body, though when he's horny (getit?) the horns pop out slightly into little nubs, and when he's in an aggressive mood they are back to their long and pointy size.

Alters bag has a replicator that replicates Calorie Capsules for him to fight. They latch onto his fat cells and make them grow to give him more energy to burn off. The top button is 5lbs, the middle is 25lbs and the bottom is 50lbs. Each button press makes 4 capsules. The 5lbs button is for long dragged out fights, so he can keep going without getting too big, the 25lbs are for big fights where he's using up a lot of energy and needs to keep using it. The 50lbs are for dire situations where he's used up almost all his energy and needs to get back to normal fast, meant to be used only ONCE.

Alters scarf grants him limited "teleportation" in the sense that he can use it to open a rift in space and go where he desires. Though each teleportation uses up strands of fabric on the scarf and the farther he goes the more strands that get used.

Alter is nearsighted, so he needs to wear glasses/eyewear/contacts to see things farther away, he has some normal glasses he wears, but his mask has lenses built into them and tinted purple so they're more intimidating. He also has some normal glasses tinted purple just for looks, his visor on the ship helps him see and has settings to see inside machines to help find out what's wrong with stuff faster.

Alter starts digesting food as he's eating it, his throat has low level stomach acid in it (making acid loogies a possibility) his saliva has trace amounts of acid not enough to burn anyone though, making kissing/other oral activities tingle slightly. And his body starts absorbing stuff from food as it's going down his throat. By the time food gets through his system there is hardly anything left for waste, his body uses as much of the food as it can leaving little waste. This makes it so Alter doesn't have to use the bathroom that much, even with how much food he eats.

(Art by Fiz and Loocyloo on DA for thumbnail)

Character Information
