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Gorilla. by Grinch



Appears 21, doesn't classify as immortal but ages at a slower rate.
6 ft 10 inches.
186 lbs.
Forest Deity.

Long, lythe, menacing and weary, femme stood at an intricate height, towering above many in a wise manner. Claws protruded from the thickness of the forearms she possessed, a fair warning to all those who meant her harm. Colored patterns were a dance between husky shades of browns, creams and golds. Her eyes showed a life who had seen all, tired, perhaps. Her right eye sported muted yellow tones, whereas her left wore a more intricate design worthy of further inspection. A second look permitted the view of a thin line on her features, allowing perhaps to those who deserved it, a glance straight into the face of death.

A bit of her past:

What does someone think of when they think of the fantasy in a forest?

Fairies, perhaps. Unicorns, tales of wonder, centaurs and fauns.. But not everything in the forest is a walk in the park so to speak. Deep within an unknown forest, in uncharted lands, a litter of three was born.

The parents were an odd sort of breed, a canine looking type of deity that protected the lands of the forest. The three pups, born of a mixture of natural colors, were growing up well. These deities were normally colored with varying shades of green and brown, shades of the forest, what they were meant to protect.

Two of the litter were coming along nicely, one mostly brown and one mostly green, both with brilliant hazel eyes. The third, however, had markings that had never been seen before. The muddled browns gave way white, and was decorated with gold. If that wasn't enough, in the coming months her eyes changed from blue to heterochromia eyes. One being bright gold, almost normal looking. The other turned to a startling green, with odd markings decorating the pupil.

The parents tried their best to take care of it, even as their fear grew deep into their souls, nesting and burrowing into their hearts. The other deities shunned them for producing offspring that wasn't true to their form, little did they know; what made this little oddball 'odd,' was what made her true.

Only the eldest of the deities knew what this meant, and they were scared. They knew that the true power of their breed could be unleashed in this whelp. Afraid of the power that she held, they told the parents that they had to abandon her.

The parents were too happy to oblige, and took her out in unclaimed lands, dumping and abandoning her there. They figured she would die, having never been taught any real hunting techniques. The young deity didn't die, however.

She lashed out at everything that came near her in anger, yet was afraid of how alone she was. She soon learned that her interior anger and frustration could be used to hunt.

However not even the hatred towards her parents could save her when a large cat attacked her. They tumbled, bites and scratches littering each other's fur, before the feline pinned her down on her back. Fear rushed through her, flicking a switch that was locked deep down in her genetics.

The flesh on her face started to peel back, leaving nothing but a blackened skull, and her odd colored eyes. The sight alone dug a deep pit of fear inside the feline that it ran to be spared. She lay there for a few more minutes before rolling over on her stomach, walking hurt towards the sound of water, security. She stared in awe and a tint of fear as she peered into the slowly flowing river, seeing the reflection of herself in the water. Slowly the flesh would stretch and pull back over her skull as if it had never moved.

She'd grin, realizing that she now had something over the ones that had abandoned her. With her new power, she chose to become that thing that the elders had feared and hated. She stalked through the forests, scaring anything she could, even as the sinking loneliness dug deep into the depht of her heart.

Character Information
