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Character sheet: Faolchu by AlexanderFaolchu

Character sheet: Faolchu


Character sheet: Faolchu
Maned wolf

Furry type: Maned Wolf, 850 years old vampire. Has different eyes - the right one is gray, while the left one is red with a narrow pupil. A holder of a double-name, but it is unknown whether any of them are real. In one of his past lives he made a deal with a demon called Chronos, who has big stakes on the guy. As a result, he became a vampire. The two share a very strong bond with an unidentified reason behind it - maybe its debt, or something else. Already in the beginning Faolchu knew what he wanted, what direction to take and how to go about his business. He is very cynical and knows how to drive benefit from the smallest thing. Therefore, even when he does a seemingly good deed, it is not caused by an impulse, but because he sees a benefit for himself. A very cunning and thrifty fellow, who tends to get out dry in any situation. A devious plotter, he likes the atmosphere and elegant turns of destiny so characteristic of the world of intrigues. He's become quiet proficient in the intrigue department, mostly due to his strife in self-perfection and his uncanny desire to discover and play around with every aspect of life.

He's not strong, neither does he possess out of this world looks. And furthermore, he is rather weak in health. But on the contrary, he's very well educated and has good manners. All in all, Faolchu creates an appearance of a "white", "fluffy", polite and quiet man, in some places - a bit of a romantic and a charmer. Really, there's nothing you could throw against him.

His way to the top was fairly fast (Faolchu was born outside the law, and had a big ladder to climb to the top), with close to none privileges or needed acquaintances, and yet he managed to get them along the way.

When somebody tried to get in his way, he always managed to outplay them, as if he possessed some of...why, he did, indeed, possess a sort of unnatural power. This became the cause of sideway glances and superstitial fear among those he spun around.

All in all, he follows the plans of these so called "powers". Still, he manages to keep his own opinion and tries to outsmart Chronos, almost succeeding two times. However, it became the cause of the ever-watching chimera, following him to make sure that never happens.

Auxiliary material on colour characters.

Character Information
