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Carmelo Davis by SymphonyQ

Carmelo Davis


Carmelo Davis
115 lbs

Son of:

Steve Davis

Marsha Maxwell

Place of Birth: Melbourne Australia

Birthday: March, 20th

Personality: Spoiled sweet. A bit sassy, but a true sweetheart.

Illnesses or Conditions: Heart Palpitations now and then, on medication.

Favorite Activity: Contortion and making out with his man.

Nickname: Booger, Candy Ass, Bay

Song: You'll Be In My Heart by Phil Collins

Occupation: Circus Contortionist/ Acrobat

As the child of a two college professors, Carmelo was expected to be at the top. He was brought up in a “logical hell hole” as he put it. His parents always pushed him to be the best at everything he did. He was never allowed to hang out with his classmates or watch TV that was not educational because it took him away from his studies. At the age of 10, he had seen Cirque du Soleil on television and his heart was sold. He was mesmerized by the acrobats and the amazing drama and glamour of the whole thing and begs his parents to enroll him in contortion classes. His parents refused, telling him that the lifestyle of a performer was pointless and would only destroy his body and mind. He was not discouraged however. He would lock himself in his room for hours and practice. He found a studio in town and used his allowance to pay for the expensive classes. He was a natural and excelled at every trick.

When he hit 15 his family had started to fall apart. His parents had never truly seen eye-to-eye and were always fighting. One day, Carmelo had tried to separate them and his father had struck his mother. After the divorce, his parents forced him to choose who he would be with. If he went with his mother, he would be constantly ignored and treated like a ghost. If he went with his father, he would be belittled and treated like a disappointment. His own mother had even grown so impatient that she broke into the house and tried to steal him away. He couldn’t take it anymore and decided that it was time for him to live for himself. He had more than enough money and was sure that he could take care of himself. Who needs school right? He wrote down a quick note, packed his things, and just left.

He stopped at the studio to have one last dance on a familiar floor. He let the soft music flow through him as he moved through the moves. Small tears stroked his face and he soon fell to his knees to cry. His instructor had been staying late and ran in when she heard his soft sobs. Once she knew what was happening she smiled softly and dried his tears. “I’ll take care of you, don’t you worry..” She said softly. She made a call to a director of a show in need of a young performer. She drove him into the night and after about an hour, they had made it. The home was large and he was welcomed with open arms. After a long year of blood, sweat, and a lot tears, Carmelo had become his top acrobats and had hundreds of fans. Unfortunately his parents had caught up to him and he had to fight for his freedom. They had seen how happy he was. That being a bird in a tiny cage would slowly kill him. His parents were not completely happy with it, but they decided to let him go. The director packed them up and flew the young Dingo to the US to learn new techniques and skills. At one of his shows a young hyena had sat up front with a white and black female. The male could not keep his eyes off of him as he swung over the crowd. The female came to him after the show and asked if she could take lessons. He was quite taken aback by this because he never thought he was good enough to teach someone else. He agreed of course and shook her hand as the male stepped forward. He was even more stunning up close. His muscles outlined by his tight t-shirt, a cig hanging from him mouth. He smirked at Carmelo and shook his small hand. “Thanks for helping my sister..” Carmelo could only nod and look down at their joined hands. There was a small slip of paper with a number and the words “I would love to know the angel that graced the skies tonight. Yours truly, Allegro”, scribbled on it left in his hand when the three had parted ways. From that first phone call, Carm and Allegro had been inseparable.

Character Information
