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Blake Harrison by olympia_tech

Blake Harrison


Blake Harrison

Blake Harrison is a young and rather intelligent inventor of sorts. He was naturally born with a burning curiosity when it came to machinery and things of the sort. Blake was a natural wiz when it came to math and science, mainly physics and even graduated high school early at top of his class. In the summer of his senior year Blake inherited his grandfather's old workshop as it was left to him in the old man's will. It was in the workshop that Blake found his calling and a new love. His grandfather was a more mythical and fantastical type of person, his journals were filled with tons and tons of drawings, mainly of creatures from myths and fairy tales. As Blake uncovered these hidden gems he himself developed the same love that his grand father did and renamed the shop in honor of his new found interest and his grandfather. Even his uniform had just a little bit of fictional flare as he soon became deeply invested in the world of Steampunk. Though many people do not know this, Blake's grandfather left behind a sacred book filled with a strange writing that he has yet to fully interpret but as he gets closer and closer to finding out what truly lies deep within these pages strange and magical things seem to happy without explanation. One could only wonder what that book truly has in store for young Blake.

Blake is a rather charming little character. He's strong willed and a little hard headed at times but can be very sweet to those he's come to know, some have even referred to him a sort of maternal like figure as he looks out for those he cares about. He is a fireball however so doing something that might upset the panda might not be the best thing to do. Most people who end up with a massive wrench coming down on their skulls and if it doesn't knock you out the first time you can bet to feel it again till you soundly blacked out. He's a tiny bit of a flirt when he wants to be and sometimes by accident as well. That uniform has a habit of catching some wondering eyes.

Art not done by me but done by Marxis from deviant art.

Character Information
