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Mandy "Mantis" Vilvaight by Hege

Mandy "Mantis" Vilvaight


Mandy "Mantis" Vilvaight
No accurate measurement
how rude
Insectkin (grasshoppre subspecie)

Wall a text head:


Mandy’s got some strong self image going on. She’s got a nice chunk of confidence and self trust that can sometimes break the line of arrogance. With lot of self confidence and bit arrogance it also leads to stubborness. If Mandy thinks she can do something, she will try it and try it till she is sure she might’ve overestimated herself.

While as Mandy can be self confident and stubborn, it mostly applies to what she can base on herself. She does not think she is right on things that might need more knowledge than she can offer, she does know opinions are opinions, facts are facts, she’s not dense.

But is there something Mandy thinks she can do or is 100% certain on? Better not start arguing about those things. You won’t turn her head around unless it really fails and slaps her on the face.

Mandy is pretty friendly in a way but her humour can be bit harsh at times and she might seem mean even if she doesn’t mean to. She has quite hard times to attach proper long time friendships but when she does, she will do everything to make them last.

Mandy usually twists insults and slurs that might get pointed at her to humour, being a person of harsh humour she can be hard to get mad via words. With actions however, Mandy does not take any attempts of pushing her around.


Mandy was born and raised in a typical insect kind foster care, hatched with plenty of other little buggies. However, Mandy was rolled on the wrong place on accident, it’s not really sure how a grasshopper type of insectkin egg ended up in mantiskin care.

Nobody really noticed it when she was hatched cause the two subspecies are quite similar as kids.

When Mandy grew on to the kid stage where differences were starting to get seen, the stage where parents in the typical insectkin traditions go pick up their kid for the first time, to be raised with their family. It was only then when the head of the foster care noticed the accidental issue of a grasshopper in the middle of all the mantises. “oops” was the only thing they could then say. Everyone else was picked up by their parents after that day, but Mandy was just left there, she was just confused, where were her parents she was supposed to meet for the first time?

Mandy’s family issue was attempted to be solved, they tried to locate her actual parents but the effort was just futile. No grasshopper pairs were admitting missing a kid, it was like she was abandoned on purpose. The only thing they could do was to put her on adoption. This was quite hard to explain on a kid of her age, adoption was usually to be assigned on egg state for insectkin.

Mandy did finally get a home, it wasn’t really the best pick of the straw though. Not many normal families wanted to raise her.

Mandy’s new parent was an early retired veteran fighter mantiskin man. It was quite surprising this guy would even want to take a kid to raise, but it happened. On a classical way, you could expect that the guy would’ve wanted to teach her how to fight, but it kind of went the opposite way.. When Mandy grew bit older she wanted to learn some cool moves after playing too many video games. The guy did teach her some basics but he was not really sure if he wanted Mandy to become a fighter, he did retire for a reason..

Mandy ended up taking fighting on her heart, she began to practise by herself, learn all sort of moves and the like. Her parent wasn’t really too impressed.. He was trying to convince her that fighting ain’t no way to start a living. Sure, it might be useful as self defense and all but not every day thing.

Mandy did fine in school even though she was a minority insect in a school full of mantises. Her childhood to teens went pretty well, as average as it could to be raised by a single parent.

When she was finished with her schools and all, but still underage, she really wanted to enter this one fighting tournament. Because of her underage, she would need parental permission. This kind of ended up in a shout war between the two. In the end, the man submitted, and really hoped Mandy to lose and learn a lesson.. Which did not happen unfortunately for him.

All grown up

Their relationship started to grow tense the older Mandy got. Once she turned 18, it did not take long for the guy to get really tired of her. He pretty much kicked her out. Mandy wasn’t too happy about it, but hey, at least she didn’t have to listen to moral preaches anymore.

As Mandy started to live by herself, it did not really take long for her to notice, being too wild about knowing how to fight really isn’t a way to make a living after all. Sure, it was handy in tournies and the like where she could win prizes, but it was bit too unreliable.

It was on day when Mandy was taking a small hike when she stumbled upon something. Trip and fall all klutzy on a small rock. Well it seemed to be a rock, Mandy kicked the thing out of frustration. What she kicked out however was a silver brooch of a triangular shape. Quite beautiful thing really, she took it and started to wear the thing.

Little did she know this was quite a relic.. She began to slowly seemingly learn weird spells out of nowhere, completely accidently making weird magical blasts. She just did not even realize all this so soon. When she finally started to handle all these properties, she gained bit of a devious confidence boost.

During her times when she was by herself, she visited this one beach on her hikes. In this silent little calm beach she happened to meet an aquatickin she did not expect to ever become friends with. This aquatic was something that looked like a lobster of sort? but lot more, odder. She was called Shussei, one of the nicest and motherly like person Mandy had ever met. She would visit her many times every week but Mandy’s distance to her started to grow when she had to move out of her apartment to a new one due of a little disagreement.

One day, out of nowhere, Mandy got the most weirdest invite from a large global corporation lead by this one mysterious firey fellow. What this invite ended up doing is that Mandy got quite the job. She was partnered up with this catkin called Minda for private artifact hunting business. While as their team work at first was not the most best at first, their combined abilities synced up surprisingly well.


Mandy’s abilities are mainly based on her physical strength and skills.

Due of her trainings she can do some neat martial art like movements, block strikes, hit back hard, with very fast reflexes.

Mandy has above average strength and her legs pack even more than usual, as she is from grasshopper family tree she has naturally strong leg muscles, but with her training and shape it just goes up even more. Her kicks can easily break someones bones if she connects it at the correct power and aim.

Mandy has short wings that allow her to slow falling and stay in the air for short amounts of times. They also help her when she jumps. Mandy can jump surprisingly high and far.

Mandy has minor magic abilities, meaning she can do a few spells with minor effects. She however cannot do complicated spells at all. Most of her spells are small buffs and small distraction attacks.


Being an insectkin she comes with a few natural weakness. The most biggest weakness is however that if she gets wounded, she has to take it seriously as insectkin have trouble stopping bleeding, even small cuts can be a major issue.

She also cannot naturally heal too fast either. This also makes her quite not a friend of fire.

Mandy also has the weakness on her personality: She gets arrogant. That can be easily abusable.

While Mandy is strong and all, she is still not bulky at all. She does not weigh much and thus has the usual light weight weaknesses. Though she can neglect this a bit if she keeps her ground for her boots have bit weight and grip.

Mandy does not really work wel

Character Information
