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Schindler by Schindler



7ft 2in
Fuck off.
Sabre-toothed Siberian X Bengal tiger

Leaning against the bar-top before you, is a tall, well-built mature tiger. He smiles at you as your eye catches his emerald green ones.

Breaking the eye-lock, you let your gaze move downwards, taking in the rest of the cat's appearance. He is dressed in a smart black Armani suit: pristine white shirt, waistcoat (vest), and pants. A dark blue tie hangs losely about his neck, and a black (suit) jacket. At his wrists are gold tiger-paw cufflinks. There's a gold-and-diamond Rolex watch on his left wrist, just visible under his cuff.

He turns a little more towards you and you can just see a thick gold chain round his neck, under his collar which is unbuttoned. A glint of light catches your eye and you spot a gold ear-ring in his right ear.

The tiger beckons you to approach and you hear a low deep purr as he checks you out in turn. Standing beside him, you smell his Jean Paul Gaultier eau de toilette.

His eyes meet yours once more and he smiles. When he speaks, his voice is clear, but with a slight growl. "Good evening! Would you like to join me for a drink? *he motions the bar* "Anything you like."

*Without taking his eyes off yours, he lifts his glass and sips from it. You can see it's champagne. The glass is in his right paw and you see on the ring-finger a gold-and-platinum band*

A Brief History:

"My mother died of a terrible fever when I was six years old, and my father fell victim to severe depression. He took to drinking excessively and soon became an alcoholic.

He used to come home drunk and would savagely beat me for no reason.

I left home at 15 years of age with only $10 in my pocket, determined to make something of myself. Determined I wasn't going to end up like my sire.

I traveled to the city and there I got a job as a newspaper and magazine vendor. I began taking an interest in the stock market and, as the years passed, with a little luck and business savvy, got myself to where I am now.

Mates came and went, but I never found anyfur I truly loved. I often found myself going to clubs and strip-joints and bringing home a different Fur. Every night, it seemed. Mostly sex was casual - one nighters. But a few individuals stayed with me for a while. The shortest time with one Fur was 6 months, and the longest was 3 years.

As I got older, I stopped clubbing and going to strip-joints. I guess I felt I was too old for it." (Taken from "PlayFur" magazine 08/27/05)

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    My my your quite a hansom young man. ^^