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Zoey Hoshi Acrux Clothed Reference by ZoeyHoshi

Zoey Hoshi Acrux Clothed Reference


The captain and driving force behind Sugar Star, Zoey Hoshi. Starting from a troubled childhood, the love of "true family" was the most important thing to her and was what made her create Sugar Star alongside Alastar and Dante. Those in Sugar Star she regards as her "true family" and friends that she would do anything for. After receiving the Gold Star from Kaiser, she made her and Sugar Star's goal to unlock it.

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Other Reference Sheets
Full Reference
NSFW Reference
Gold Star Outfit Reference
Human Form Reference
13 Year Old Reference

Submission Information

Visual / Digital


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    Oh? I thought you had to take all the Sugar Star stuff for the Shonen Jump contest?

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      I made a few tweets about it a while back, I stopped that contest a while back because
      1. SJ contest rules said no mention of drugs and since first part is about a gang that sells drugs, uses drugs and SS stealing drug money, it would be instantly disqualified. After realising this, I came to decision to stop toning down the adult themes of SS and just go into them more as it IS my own thing.
      2. I am a full time carer now for my grandmother, more so than an artist, so I really don't have time for that contest among all my other things to do.
      So putting everything back up :)

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        Ah, okay. Sorry that didn't work out for you, would have been awesome to see your work in such a publication.

        But still, YAY SUGAR STAR'S COMING BACK!!