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Zee stages by The-Zombie-Cat

Zee stages


someone on twitter suggest I go through my old versions of Zee and put them side by side and ofc I couldnt help dropping some commentary lol

all these are nixed now obviously but it was still neat to shift through them nevertheless :)

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    Wow! It’s amazing to see all the alterations through the years, absolutely grand idea by twitter peep :) crikey I hadn’t realised half of these until you put them up like that, poor girl has been through the mill and no mistake :/

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      oh indeed it was fun to put everything side by side/as chronological as I could manage lol
      oh indeed she went through quite a deal in her 'past life'- though technically almost all of this has been nixed/replaced by her present storyline so idk how much of it should be taken to heart anymore lol

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        It’s amazing to see it, even if it’s not part of her history any more it’s still really interesting to see everything she went through xx
        She’s still treated like crud from the (I forget how tiny until I see her) Nyte and co.. is she or Thorne intrigued by anyone? And maybe if they could drag Wolfe through as well ;)

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          oh inded the way she's treated hasn't exactly gotten any better ^^; I recently wrote on that (the end of her corruption arc/how and why she becomes a DK) if you want to have a read :)
          pt 1-
          pt 2-

          as for stable-going, did you mean Zee or Nyte? I'm afraid Zee is incredibly narrow-minded when it comes to going through your stable <3
          Nyte.. hmm.. I'm so out of the loop with your stable there's probably a good many who would be well suited that I'm overlooking.. but there is the potential of exploring she and Ynen like we planned to do previously? though idk how into his specific kinks she would be nowdays :/ might be easier for her if I ask who perks up for her and go from there ^^; (and if anyone is volunteering for any other characters please let me know because as I say I'm suffering some real memory loss when it comes to your OCs ^^; been a long time since I saw a lot of them <3)

          Thorne is tricky because she's so scattered lol admittedly I pondered she and Radnor for the extra insanity but I think I wore you out of writing him and don't want to force you ^^; possibly Kynance? uhm.. Venizon I think his name was? your nightmare corrupted keeper? it seems feasible they might meet (though idk how they might get on lol) again im drawing a lot of blanks so please let me know if you think someone else could suit that I haven't thought of

          Wolfe- he ofc has interest in Xandra ;) though if looking for something fresh and new I think he and Gorran could go well together :) maybe Bryce? of I remember right Bryce was in a bit of a predicament and Wolfe loves playing hero :) uhm.. hell idk again please give suggestions if you have them ^^; wolfe is pretty easy to smush with anyone given how physical and flirty he is naturally lol

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            Awww Wolfe.. awwww bless his heart <3 A shame his arguments didn’t resonate with either his mum or Drak.. but the fact he was determined to be there for her, to show her she did have a friend in the end.. Aww beautiful heartbreaking stuff as always <3 It’s beautifully entwined into her next chapter too <3 You were always an incredible weaver that way, able to link everything up feasibly :)

            I did mean Zee, sorry not explaining myself.. well, he’s still there and available though I have no idea how a demon and death knight can meet up ^^;
            As for Ynen and Nyte.. well, he hasn’t been ‘tempered’ so he is still a vicious, sadistic loner in Sennon with a sexual fixation on blood.. they obviously have linking qualities there, but I’m really not sure Nyte could deal with his atrocities.. I dunno ^^;
            (Erm.. just taking her through, I’m going to mention who looks up regardless of suitability, see if you can get a feel.. Lemminkainen, Hephaesthus, Quetzalcoatl, Ankh, Nijuga, Ynen, Luckless, Baz, ‘Faith..) (If anyone specifically prods me, I’ll let you know I have to come back and mention Narooma here, little Sandfury Druid has looked up for Valcan, as has Sabine, though I know she’s not a Druid..)

            I’m more than happy to write Radnor again, I’ve had a break from his scattered mind so I’m good to go again, if that’s who she’d prefer most it’s only fair we explore :) Oh I think Kynance would be the world’s worst enabler ;) sending Thorne even further down the path of madness and debauchery. Venizon would be the polar opposite, he’s an utter sweetheart and doesn’t want anyone caught up in the nightmare like he is, all depends where you want to go with your lovely girl! (Again, walking her through, Quetzalcoatl, Nijuga, Luckless, Kynance, Blackthorn, Atra, Ankh..)

            Aww well, if that’s who he prefers, it’ll be easy to get them together :) She can be one of the demonesses Ruth supplies to distract him with :) Oh yeah, Pyre the Emberwyrm is hunting Bryce, that could certainly be more of a narrative that poof here you go ;) Sabine could be a possibility, given her family has been wiped out by Kale and his hybrids.. uh.. after reading the arc I want to bury both Zee and Wolfe in people lol ;)

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              oh indeed Wolfe has always been the one most solidly on Zee's side through all ehr iterations (or at least the one who wasn't outright dreadful to her ^^; Silver was never that bad but she also didn't have that much contact with Zee in the first place given she was away from the Citadel most of the time) so yeah after everything Zee did he was the most up in arms about killing her rather than helping her but unfortunately, it wasn't really something that could have been helped without, as Drak said, putting everyone further in danger of her- I do see her different moving forward though :) raised as a DK when she returns to see Nyte and co. again she's going to be a bit more demanding about being treated fairly/not as afraid to stick up for herself
              and aw thank you hun I always love weaving :3

              yeah hun I'm not sure there <3 honestly idk if we would be able to top the way they met/came together in the old RP world so I think she's more tangled up in nostalgia than seeing an honest way to go forward with a new meeting <3 but we have him lined up with Echo now anyhow so it's fine :)

              hmm very true.. I think for them the best 'story' for them meeting is for her to hire him or something? though idk if he has any interest in being hired on XD but yeah past that I didn't think about the fact Ynen's 'reverted' to his old self and idk if Nyte has patience for that :/ so with that plus me not being able to imagine her comfy to be strapped to a slab and tortured I'll have to pass on Ynen for her, sadly ^^; I do love the guy <3 I -almost- suggested Baz for her as well given they worked ok in our last RP world but Nyte found herself hung up on the way that story ended :/ obviously, it's a new world and new situations/circumstances but she'd pointed out she wasn't 'good enough' back then to keep him off that detrimental track of mind so she can't hope to be good enough this time and Nyte doesn't do very well with the idea of not being good enough ^^; of those left.. hmm.. I barely know these guys ^^; Lemmin is a vaklyrie type isn't he? and Heph sounds familiar but I'm totally blanking on putting a face to the name ^^; Quetzalcoatl I have -no -dea at all ^^;. Ankh.. your batty dk girly yes? (nah now I know Annikah now I've wrote it so idk Ankh either ^^;) You've spoken to me about Nijuga a couple times I think! Your Shammy right? if i remember right he's a bit wild? I think it would depend -how- wild on that one ^^; if he's going to remind her of Zee's old recklessness I can't see her being enthused lol Luckless is.. a DH yes? thats about all I remember of him ^^;.. And Faith is a lady draenei paladin? that one might be interesting but I know nothing about her personality either ^^;

              (Valcan's as rough a squish as ever ^^; I'd need to know more about Narooma's personality. Sabine.. hmm.. maybe..? she's not a druid but she has that right kind of mindset and I can see him feeling endeared by her love of little critters, but I also know she tends to be overly-bubbly about it and idk how much of that he could stand ^^; then again with what she's recently gone through idk if that bubbly nature has been dimmed down any?.. not that I want her to change, though :( )

              hmm Thorne's story is.. idk lol up in the air. I had a specific vision of her looks and personality but not much thought on what direction I'd like her to take ^^; idk if anyone truly -could- change her direction, scattered as she is. Kynance could definitely get her to do a lot of chaotic and damaging things ^^; but Thorne would likely view them as a 'game' of sorts and not really grasp how detrimental some of those things might be to real people ^^; and Venizon I can imagine her being very sweet with but at the same time she might get a bit /much' ^^; (she would probably ride him a lot and not in the sexy way lol) (again I know next to nothing about these guys you've mentioned here ^^; I'd need to know more lol Blackthorne is your gruff bastard druid right? He might remind her of her father a bit/make it easier for her to trail after him and such lol and she's not likely to be bothered by said gruff attitude if so) and Atra, oh sweet Atra I forgot about him! lol my first thought was to warn him not to eat any fruits he might find growing in her garden everything is poison XD) he could be sweet with her maybe if you think he can handle her ^^;

              (oh indeed Wolfe is definitely an easy one to fall into 'little to no story' with I'm afraid :/ the guy has a one track mind most of the time so if you put him with another sex fiend that's likely all their story is going to be ^^; oh I remember we briefly wrote him and Sabine and him vowing to help her figure out who hurt her family :) He'd do good in a role like that for someone- especially someone not quite as trained in independence/fighting <3 idk how Bryce fares on that front? not that it'd stop Wolfe from trying to play the protector role lol

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                Aww he’s an absolute sweetheart, if Cerzz existed in this new RP world she’d be hankering after Wolfe now that Drak’s happy. she always had a soft spot for him, to the detriment of she and Drak’s relationship at one point, I recall..
                could Zee and Wolfe make a go of things? He’s been there a hell of a lot for her and she him..
                Good! I’m glad she’s gonna place some boots in backsides ;) you go girl :)
                It always flows together so seamlessly too, I have no idea how you do it, but I love watching it happen :)

                Okie hun, if you’re sure..? Are there any other possibilities for Zee, or will anyone else be ‘second best’ for her? Or do you want to revisit the Gabriel AU?

                No I think if you didn’t wave some red flags there for Ynen and Nyte, I might have. He needs to have gone through a good deal of what he went through in the RP to be more suited for Nyte. Yes,I imagine after everything she’s been through, being bound and slowly torn apart is not high on her to-do list ^^; Aww I can certainly understand old shadows holding sway over her feelings about trying again with Baz, though like you said he is entirely different this time. A lord and a deadly one at that. I can’t see him having any doubts about himself this time. Though his social etiquette would be extremely rusty given how long he’s spent alone.

                Yeah Lemmin is the undead dk who was experimented on and mockingly given wings.. so he kind of looks like a dark angel. His temperament is obedient, quiet but fierce when called for and I imagine him to be very protective.
                I don’t think Hephaesthus (Nightborne Hunter) will be particularly good for Nyte, given that he’s so corrupted he glows red instead of blue.. he talks to himself, though in his mind he’s talking to the giant hovering eyeball just past your shoulder. He’s usually laid back and fun loving, dedicated to his little Marsuul, Abyss, but the corruption has made him a lot more insular these days.
                Quetzalcoatl is my Zandalari Dino-Druid. He’s staid, taciturn and rather grumpy, but he’s incredibly loyal.
                Ankh is Q’s brother and the polar opposite. He’s jokey, laughy lazy and laid back, but ready to break out the ‘Ankh-tank’ when his family and friends need looking after.
                Nijuga used to be very much like Wolfe, outgoing, sexually uninhibited and an easy guy to get along with, but since the untimely death of his High-Farseer brother he’s become very dedicated to his shamanism, trying to make Wulla proud. He’s grown up a lot, but the daftness might still be there under the surface.
                Luckless is another gruff, insular bastard, but yeah he hasn’t developed much beyond that lol
                Yeah she’s a very talented and powerful Light-forged retribution Paladin. She hides her inadequacies beneath a mask of stern stoicism and dedication to her job. A hint towards her more playful parts is that she insists on wearing impractical, revealing armour and sort of challenges her fellows to keep their ‘holy’ eyes on her face.

                (No worries mate, I never for a moment thought he’d be easy. Narooma spends a lot of her time in her feral form (seeing as Sandfury is a desert race, I see her having a striped hyena feral form.) But she’s optimistic, positive, helpful and enchanted by all these beasts she’s not seen in her desert home. Oh I can definitely imagine Sabine can grate on even the most patient people (which I’m guessing Valcan isn’t massively) but yes, given what’s happened to her family it’s definitely muted now. Trouble is as she gets closer and more time passes, her bubbles will return so yeah, maybe not good)

                Lol well Kynance wouldn’t care about the consequences of her and Thorne’s actions. If the Elder’s can’t get her to follow rules, she’s not going to listen to anyone :) lol yeah she might be a bit too wild and scatty for Ven, but he’d certainly try to help her if she ever needed it. Lol he’s warning her that he’s pretty thorny and he wouldn’t want her getting a scratched up butt ;) that’s his excuse but yeah, not a fan of being ridden ;)
                Yeah Blackthorn is my boomchicken with attitude. He hardly listens to the circle’s orders and often goes rogue. He’s a hopeless chain-smoker and his fingers are festooned in silver rings.
                Hehe it’s a way to have their story start lol Thorne discovers a massive black dragon spark-out in her fruit and veggies, looking all shades of queasy.. lol he’s boasting that he’s a Field Marshal and is certain he can handle a little wild-child.. poor guy doesn’t have a clue ;)

                Hmmm Bryce is adept enough to keep himself alive. He’s a frost mage but remembers little but the basics since he was raised. He prefers to fight in his dragon form, but sometimes locations aren’t his friend and Pyre is learning to chase him into smaller gaps so he has to revert to his disguise. Pyre is a very powerful fire-mage and has retained all his fiery knowledge so he’s deeply comfortable fighting in his bipedal, winged skeletal form.

                Also had Ezra wiggle his hand for attention. He’s a Gilnean and used to be a real playboy, even though he was married. He treated his wife dreadfully, assuming her to be just -there- if there were no sexier women for him to bed. He didn’t realise she was a powerful warlock. Having had enough of his shenanigans and giving him plenty of time to change, she ripped his soul into a soul stone and placed it into the cadaver of a satyr with a blood gem on his chest. To keep his corpse together, he has to feed regularly on fresh blood, keeping the gem filled, something he still finds incredibly distasteful. She also fused his wedding ring to his skeletal finger and he is not happy with the constant reminder. He’s convinced he can ‘fix’ this though, and get himself back in his sexy body once again..

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                  ohhh Cerzz is a thought if you had any hankering to write her again :) she and Wolfe had a good dynamic :)
                  as for Zee and Wolfe, I did debate them but other than a drunken night together I don't think anything deeper/more serious could spring from it- mainly due to Zee still being completely hung up on Arthas <3 I think they work best as friends and I think after her being raised as a DK and realizing what he did and how he cared that friendship could become something powerful in and of itself :)

                  aw hun I'm afraid she's not giving me much in the way of 'others'. I know she had a bit of a thing for Din back in the day but I'm not sure that could really work given her fear of the ocean lol as for the Gabriel AU.. to be dreadfully honest here I prefer the Gabriel x D'naar ship so if I'm ever nudging you to write him I'd rather it be for them ^^; if that makes sense ^^;

                  yeah I can't see Nyte allowing herself to get too invested though which kind of kills it for me :/ but I do enjoy the potential of Baz with Merihim (I almost sent a start for them the other day but couldn't think of anything substantial enough other than Merihim bringing Baz that tea they talked about ^^;

                  oh gosh all your characters sound lovely hun to save some space and length of reply here though I'll focus on the few that stood out to mine if that's ok ^^;

                  for Nyte she was swayed the most by Lemmin or Quetzalciatl- luckily enough because I think she'd have a fairly easy time meeting either of them lol Lemmin obviously with his ties and Quet (if there's a better way to shorten that up let me know lol im terrible) Nyte did spend a deal of time in Zuldazar playing at fitting in while she worked on her deeper plans so they could maybe have met there somehow? She seems to be showing an interest in more 'no-nonsense' sorts here ^^; she was admittedly also intrigued by the idea of Hephaesthus despite you thinking him not as good for her ^^; and as mun I do enjoy the idea of her ending up with someone who has a more laid back sort of attitude/personality to kind of balance/mellow her workaholic self ^^;

                  (oh he's perked up about Narooma :) and the fact she spends a lot of time in her feral form would likely see him warm up to her faster/more easily given he likes animals more than people ^^; but I think her excitement/intrigue about animals not native to the desert would be endearing to him and he'd probably end up making an effort to smuggle some to her and/or take her out on adventures so she could see more :) it could be cute :) )

                  Thorne has shown interest here in Blackthorn BUT I can't rightly say if it's interest in him personally or if she's excited about his 'shiny fingers' XD she's a hard one to peg, she might have to be one of the 'try and see how it goes' characters ^^; but oh that is grand story potential for poor Atra :) though I'm afraid Thorne isn't much in the way of healing and she's immune to the poisonous garden, herself, so she might not put two and two together ^^; she might even assume he's hungry and try to feed him a rogue mushroom and potentially make it worse ^^;

                  aww Bryce <3 I think I'm most drawn there (or with Cerzz because I've always loved her!) for Wolfe given he'd get so invested in keeping the guy safe <3 plus with Pyre as the antagonist there all black bones and fire it'd clash really pretty with Wolfe's muscle and Light XD battles would be pretty even if I such at writing them XD

                  Aww Ezra I remember him now you explain him! hmm.. how does he feel about other undead? Nyx took an interest :) she's not exactly 'conventionally attractive' though with her missing midsection and all though so idk if she'd turn his head lol OH OH or maybe Viera? her WoW-verse self is a monster hunter maybe with his appearance and his ritualistic blood-drinking she gets hired to hunt him? and also Vii looked up, though idk how he might feel about another Witch getting near him lol

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                    Yeah I wouldn’t mind bringing the girly out again to be honest, lol she could be hunting for reagents/exotic hurting things for Ynen, maybe?
                    Awww yeah I can certainly see their friendship being too strong for romance, though does Zee enjoy using him as a hot water bottle? Or does she not register heat and cold? Aww I’m really glad she has an ally in the Citadel, though :)

                    Yeah, that could be a bit of an issue :/ though he says he’s not against turning his back on the sea for the right person..
                    Aww hun, yes it makes sense and I’m glad you enjoy them :) nudge whenever you fancy xx

                    Aww yeah, Baz is crushing hard on Merihim and it’s such a blessed relief that they can get close without fear of death :) lol aww I have the same issue, I can never think of good starts, I sometimes have an idea for a middle but no idea how to get there lol

                    Lol the height difference would be the cutest between Quetz and Nyte (Lol no idea hun, Ankh calls him Q, so that’s one way to shorten it right down ;) ) Q is definitely the more no-nonsense out of the two. He’s very self-assured and stoic and can be incredibly vicious on the battlefield.
                    Aww as for Heff, I’d love for Nyte to be able to relax with someone who can allow her to let loose a bit, but I’m not sure if the guy will grate on her. He’s definitely not bubbly-optimistic, but he rarely takes things seriously ;) except for Abyss’s welfare. If you’re nasty to her, Heff will hate you..

                    (Awww brilliant, that’s definitely a possibility then, she’ll be blown away by anything that she wouldn’t find in the desert :) and she’ll be really touched if he brings some over or takes her to them, lol she might be full of questions though ;) )

                    Aww lol of course, that’s no problem at all, we can explore anyone you fancy and see how it goes, lol Blackthorn’s grunting that she is NOT getting his rings lol Aww hehe and poor Atra will think it’s a healing mushroom and end up feeling loads worse lol after that, he won’t accept any food gifts from her and he can slowly improve ;)

                    Well, I think it’s only fair that Wolfe gets final say on which way he goes here :) hehe, I imagine Bryce would likely point out the pleasing aesthetic once they’re safe again ;) oh pffft you are so much better than me at action scenes lol you understand pacing for a start ;)

                    He has no strong negative feelings about the undead, he just sees them as ‘neighbours’ :) though he doesn’t think much of the undead warlocks, or any warlock, really.. oh I admit that Ezra is shallow enough to draw attention to her very slim midriff ;) but I can definitely see her growing on him enough that he’d hunt her out for company :) so it’s certainly no dealbreaker :) oh Viera is an absolute stunner, he’d be blown away by her, and would likely forget he looks like a stretched, dead goat in his eagerness to flirt.. til he finds out she wants him dead of course lol that’s certainly a dent in his desire ;) and beautiful Vii, again he’d be smitten looks-wise and despite his animosity for warlocks, he would still probably seek out other magic users to try to ‘restore’ him :)

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                      aw ok hun well I'm afraid my biased opinion and personal love for Cerzz puts all the weight in her favor ^^; so I'm more than happy to explore she and Wolfe :) He's pretty easy in that I can just plop him out anywhere generally so I can see him coming across her on the reagent hunt :) though I warn he's probably going to bowl right into the flirting XD
                      I don't think Zee's ever trusted Wolfe and his wandering hands enough to cuddle up next to him for long XD

                      ahgahds you have no idea how hard that just yanked my heartstrings especially given his deeper reasoning for setting sail and not looking back in the first place <3 But if we did go that route Zee would never feel comfy with him 'turning his back' on the sea for her benefit <3 she'd never stop him from going if he wanted to head out into open water she just may not ever be comfy going along with him ^^; and she'd miss him terribly so he'd need to be prepared to get tackled the moment he's on solid ground again ;) lol
                      aw hun well if D'naar had her way I'd already be nudging you but I have no story ideas lol

                      oh gosh yeah the height difference would be intense XD especially given that Nyte's fairly smol even among her own kind XD but he sounds lovely and Nyte is certainly looking up in interest here :)
                      aw Heff.. well I think Nyte would welcome the more laid-back attitude once she got over the initial hump of annoyance ^^; that's the way it went with Baz anyway, if the past world is anything to go by :) he was really rarely serious and Nyte still adored him to bits so I'd say she's capable of it :) but truth be told she seems to be leaning more Q's way anyhow ^^;

                      (oh indeed Valcan usually isn't the sort to want to answer a bunch of questions BUT when it comes to animals he could happily ramble on all day so I think it'd be a safe enough subject at least :) and then talking about that at length would likely leave him in a friendly-enough mood that if there were any 'outlier' questions not related to animals I dont think he'd be all that upset about it :)

                      idk if she'd try to steal the rings outright lol, but I can imagine them sat together and she takes his hand in her lap to fiddle with them.. though if his hand gets anywhere near her face I warn she might nibble at them too XD she'd have a very 'phh shiny!!' mindset about them. Though it may be beneficial because if she's ever 'too much' (which is likely lol) he could just wave a hand in front of her face and then suddenly all her focus is on the sparklies ^^;
                      aw oh no the poor dear, how trusting of him to accept her mushroom ^^; though to her credit she -would- be offering it with intentions of helping- her intentions just always end up going a bit awry ^^;

                      Aw well Wolfe was a bit on the fence seeing the pros of either case but as mun I had to tip him Cerzz' direction ^^; but I promise he's 100% thrilled to be nudged that direction :) they could be really sweet together though I imagine they're gonna struggle to leave the bedroom at all some days ;)

                      aw well Nyx isn't in the least self-conscious about her skeleton so she's likely not going to take it poorly or anything :)
                      lol omg I dont think Viera ever had a 'Monster' she was hunting willingly come out and start flirting with her before so that'd definitely be surprising enough to give her pause at least XD but oh indeed I'm sure once she collects herself and the gun/sword comes out the mood will shift ^^;
                      well Vii's not a warlock ^^; she's more along the lines of druid in regards to the way her magic works.. but she's also half-demon and has taken to Drust magics.. and she's technically a ghost with a physical form.. Vii's a bit complicated XD

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                        Aww that’s not an issue for me at all, I think they’d be sweet and saucy together ;) lol I have to warn right back that in this point in time she’s very sheltered and most likely would look around to see who this guy’s talking to, cos it can’t be her.. lol even when she’s ascertained she’s the only one around she’d still be ‘.. me..?’ (Quick side note, her old design is tweaking minimally to give her the long tail because omg I love it ;) )
                        Lol I probably shouldn’t but I find that sweet lol drowsy Zee Wolfe, unless you’re offering up your fingers as a midnight snack.. stop..’ :D

                        Aww I’m sorry hun, but he’s shrugging and saying the sea was his escape but he has no reason to run from her. He’s very touched that she’d encourage his voyages though, and indeed, the gruff old bastard says he’s rather expecting her to leap into his arms and wrap her legs around him and he’d be deeply disappointed if that’s not the greeting he gets ;)
                        Aww sorry D’naar! My inspiration well for story ideas is down to a trickle too..

                        Q’s briefly smirked here. He’s the kind to actually say ‘I’m pleased’ rather than simply smile <3 he’s pleasantly surprised he beat all the competition <3

                        (Aww I’m glad he’d have the patience for her questions, though I’ll try to rein her in a little if she gets too much :) She’s not really prodding at me to ask more personal questions at the moment. She’s of the mind that personal stuff stays personal until the person is ready to share of their own free will, so he’ll be safe from personal interrogation <3 )

                        Lol aww, he could find her fiddling with his fingers quite restful actually :) in the similar way that having your hair played with is restful :) but he thanks you for the warning to keep away from her mouth. He says he hopes that’s the only thing she can’t resist nibbling.. Aww the dear of her, like a big kitty, he’d find that endearing too :)
                        Aww the dear of her, it’s probably why he’d take the mushroom in the first place, because she looked like she was trying to help <3 but yeah, I imagine dragon digestive systems are pretty powerful, so he’d be back on his feet in a day or so <3

                        Lol you say that like it’s a bad thing? Lol being bedded up with a gorgeous, sweet man who finds her attractive? Lol she’s going to be just as likely to entice him back to bed should he need to stretch his legs ;)

                        Lol Ezra hates his bony bits.. well, there’s not a lot he likes about his fleshy prison, so he’d be rather astounded that she doesn’t give a stuff and he’d be pretty fascinated about it all ;)
                        Oh yes.. lol Ezra does not need reminding that he’s a monster and his survival instinct is much stronger than his need to flirt with a beautiful woman (forgot to mention he’s pretty cowardly) so indeed, her getting her weapons would instantly douse any flames in him.
                        Oooh if it’s magic he’s not sensed before he won’t be able to help getting excited about the possibility xx Lol hell, she is isn’t she?! Lol

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                          aww the dear XD He'd be happy to confirm that he is, in fact, talking to/about her ;) lol (and oh I can't blame you there! imo draenei look so much better with the long tail lol)
                          lol omg yes that sounds exactly like something she'd say XD

                          aww <3 well I can certainly say she's not going to try to chase him off, either, if he -prefers- to stay with her, but she just wants it known she's not trying to steal or stifle any part of him <3 oh indeed there's no other way I think she'd be capable of greeting him between missing him through the separation and also her phobias likely convincing her the sea or its creatures might swallow him up so it'd be a mixture of delighted to see him and complete relief he wasn't dead ^^;

                          aww well her thoughts about personal questions there is another decent draw for him too, then :) Valcan doesn't like being prodded and prompted for his past so a massive plus that she's not going to try to get him to go soul-searching through it XD

                          aw well I'm glad he wouldn't find her fiddling bothersome :) but oh gosh on the nibbling he might want to rephrase what he's hoping for there with other anatomy bits XD but honestly on the subject of 'private time' I can't predict at all how things might go there ^^; I've tried to think of her in that context before but she gave me very little to work with lol I imagine at least she's not a virgin.. but the idea has been tossed around she inadvertently killed the first guy she slept with so he might need to be on his toes about it ^^;

                          aww oh no the dear <3 well I'd hate to put him through that if he's more the 'flight' part of 'fight or flight' ^^; then having Viera hunting him isn't 'fun dynamic' it's just mean ^^;
                          oh lovely :D though Vii's magical aid doesn't come cheap ^^; she's very opportunistic when it comes to helping people (which in the perspective of muns could work in our favor so we don't just instantly change your guy away from his fate and plot direction there lol)

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                            Lol aww she’d be a right blushing mess after that clarification ;) (oh crikey yes, and to be equal, I shortened Nijuga’s tail, which I really like as well, gives off like a shire horse vibe ;) (he’s insisted I come back and say that’s not the only thing about him that’s comparable to a shire horse ;))

                            And he deeply appreciates that about her. He’s the kind who’d bloody-mindedly dig his heels in if he felt she was trying to push him back to land, the fact she isn’t makes him much more amenable to it <3
                            Awww well deep down he’d love to have someone so happy/relieved to see him, though he might feel the need to be all bravado about it ;)

                            Nah, like I say that’s a path the person has to choose to walk along. She’ll be enthralled if he ever did share anything, but she’s not going to nudge him to know either. Hell, if your own mind isn’t even a sanctuary, she doesn’t know what is..

                            Awww she does sound incredibly like Radnor... hmm.. new possibility, if she’s open to it, what if she finds Radnor comatose in her veggie patch instead of Atra? Or is she more into Blackthorn?

                            Lol as for Vii all I can say is good! Lol it’s about time this spoiled coward had to actually work for something! He’ll grouch about whatever she wants in repayment, but he is desperate enough to see any cost as worth it <3

                            • Link

                              aww the dear :) I can see him growing addicted to makeing her smile and blush :) I have a feeling they'll be really sweet together (he's pushing me for a start- would she be reagent gathering out in the wilderness or getting stuff from shops in a town/city? if in the city he could be fresh out of an arena battle and run into her but if she's out in the wilderness somewhere I'm sure I could think of a reason for him to be wandering :)
                              (oh I admit I haven't looked at the different tail lengths on males, I thought it was only a female thing they added ^^; I'll have to have a poke through character creation just for the fun of seeing everything lol the only Draenei I have in-game is D'naar ^^;)

                              aww the dear <3 I admit these two have been dominating my mind alongside Wolfe and Cerzz, as well ^^; Zee's run away with the idea despite me trying to hold her back ^^; I'm glad he'd be internally endeared by her caring about him because when Zee cares about someone it gets easily overpowering ^^; I think she'd recognize tragedy in him- like a sixth sense kind of thing because she's been through her own stuff. She wouldn't push him to talk about it but I can see her being rather 'soft' with him despite his gruffness and male pride likely not letting on he wants or needs that- but from her own personal experience she reasons that the 'fighters' of the world deserve something gentle and sweet just as much as (if not more than) the people who've lived calm and carefree lives <3

                              oh gosh personally as mun I've felt drawn to Radnor lately and I also think it would be really fun to write them together, scattered dears that they are ^^; we could maybe test them out? and then if it falls through or Radnor doesn't want to deal with her they'd be easy in their joint scatteredness to separate and we could maybe have her meet Blackthorn at that point?

                              lol awesome then! I'm not sure right now what she might demand as payment, she's the kind who kind of reads a person and the situation at hand before making decisions lol but she definitely doesn't give anything for free lol

                              • Link

                                N’Aww! Adorabubble :D yeah, they’re going to be our tooth-rotters this time round ;) she’s easily going to become one smitten kitten ;) ((Oooh she could be both, I think. Wilderness for reagents and the city for odd twisted bits of metal that Ynen can stick into people.. so wherever you wish to stick him ;) ))
                                (I was surprised to see it on the bulls too, I know there was a lot of clamour for long tails on girlies after all the art depicting them that way, but yeah, half-tails for men was a pleasant surprise ;) )

                                Awww Yey! I’m glad to hear that, after reading what the poor girl’s been through she needs some good, relaxed times :) Aww yeah, he’s going to be crap at showing his gratitude and reciprocating feelings, but they are there deep down, he’s just a little scared to let them show. He might try to stay distant for fear of getting himself torn open again, but I honestly don’t think his touch-starvation will keep him that way for long. Even though when he remembers himself, he’ll try to brush it off. I’m afraid I picture one of the big things being he’ll wrap her tail around his forearm when he sleeps so he won’t lose her in the night xx aww well he’s OOC grumbled that she needs to apply that thinking to herself too <3 xx

                                Of course yup! Sounds absolutely fine to me let’s see how the madcaps get on ;)

                                <33 lol good girl xx

                                • Link

                                  aww the dear she'll be so cute :) (oh lovely I'm glad she's versatile (Wolfe has offered in some naughty comment here because my choice of wording afforded him opportunity XD) I'll likely go with the city then since I have a reason in mind for him to be there :) not to just carve out the time to write a start XD
                                  speaking of starts I had Mika suddenly get -incredibly- loud about the potential of he and Bayacre too so I wanted to ask if running 2 is still ok with you or would you prefer me keep it to one? I can wrangle mika back onto the shelf for the time being if one suits better for time management lol

                                  aw well lucky Zee's never been driven solely by whether or not things are reciprocated lol girl's just 'all in' regardless ^^; often to the point of her own detriment ^^; but she wont be put off or hurt by it I promise (unless he's outright cruel to her further down the line of the relationship (in the beginning is fine though, I think she'll grasp early on that he's gruff and sour lol, just like five years later if he's still sharply snapping at her it might sting a bit then ^^;) ahgahds the touch starvation <3 one of my many weaknesses this guy hits ^^; I can safely say she'll be giving him as much touch as he can handle lol she's incredibly physically affectionate when she's allowed to be ^^; (and even sometimes when she's not lol) and aw that's a sweet little image and I'm sure Zee would very happily indulge him that 'security' there <3 Even if her insomnia keeps her up all night and she's mostly just laying there lol she's pretty 'starved' herself so it'd likely just mean the world to her to know he wants her close <3
                                  aw she's trying, if that counts for anything <3 it just so happens every time she tries to get something 'gentle and nice' for herself it goes rather the opposite ^^;

                                  • Link

                                    Lol oh yes she’s very flexible ;) (Lol cue more frantic blushing and her telling all of us that we’re awful ;)) Awesome and no worries hun, though if Mika’s being loud we can grab onto him for now seeing as he’s actually demanding it, Wolfe and Cerzz can hang on for a bit if that’s okay? I just think one would be better for both of us and best to go with loud boy :) we always have Wolfe and Cerzz for when no one else is being noisy :)

                                    Awww no I certainly can’t see him still being dreadful down the line, he’ll certainly become soft and tender in private with her alone but he’ll be like a different bloke in public, I hope that won’t grind at her.. Awww I’m sorry to grab you right in the weaknesses ^^; Aww he might complain about her shows of affection, but it’ll be obvious it’s halfhearted (especially as she gets used to his ways) Aww.. I can see him waking up through the night and being surprised she’s still awake, but while he’s dozy I can definitely see his caution coming down and him becoming nuzzley and affectionate. He won’t know what else to do to try to help her insomnia, but he will want to help it.
                                    Awww of course trying is the most important thing xx Aww I truly hope this is different for her, the dear deserves something nice and tender xxx

                                    • Link

                                      aw hun well Wolfe was being loud too (and first, he's huffing lol) do you have a personal preference on which one sounds more fun at the moment? :)

                                      oh no she'll be perfectly content with private time tenderness :)
                                      and augh that is such a sweet image and she'd really enjoy that, but yeah she struggles to sleep a lot of the time and idk if it's a problem that can be 'fixed' really ^^; but she'd appreciate his care and if the subject was ever brought up properly she'd point out she doesn't really need sleep anyway and she's more than happy to lay there with him <3

                                      • Link

                                        Awwww! Bless him, I’m sorry! Lol honestly I have no preference hun, whoever your most into out of the three here, when you have a spare moment send a start and I’m happy to go with whoever you’re most into/most forceful in your head ;)

                                        Awww good, it doesn’t mean he feels any different it’s just been.. a long time of needing to be the badass in front of his crew etc
                                        He’s grumbling that spending hours watching him drool, snore and fart isn’t exactly going to build up his air of mystique lol well for his part he’d try to stay awake with her so she’s not alone for long <3

                                        • Link

                                          aw ok hun not a problem :) I'll get to writing something up once work is finished for the day!

                                          aww inded that's totally understandable and I'm sure Zee would recognize that Piracy(especially captain ranked) is something you need to present a ruthless and 'no weakness' demeanor for so I can't see her taking it personally <3 though he might need to have a talk with her about her tendency to bolt down the docks to tackle him in a hug when he returns from long trips ^^; she'll likely be overpowered by her delight at seeing him again and kind of forget not to be 'too much' in front of his crew ^^;
                                          aw the dear, she's arguing that sleep is important for him though <3

                                          • Link

                                            Awesome :)

                                            Aww good, I’m glad she’d not overthink it into meaning anything more than him putting on bravado in front of the crew <3 lol he’s allowing dock-bolting and leap-hugging after being away for a while ;)
                                            He’s grumbling that he can survive on less than she thinks, plus it means more time with her. <3

                                            • Link

                                              oh indeed she's no stranger to that sort of thing, honestly so she wouldn't read into it unless he was cold and distant in private, too lol and oh wonderful because she'd really have a rough time holding herself back ^^;
                                              she's gonna make it her mission to lul him to sleep I hope he knows <3 she doesn't know how well/often he sleeps out at sea so she'd be driven to make sure he gets adequate rest ^^; as well as probably making sure he eats well and such ^^; <3 she's not trying to 'baby' him but she's not used to caring about someone Mortal and living lol

                                              • Link

                                                Awww he’d be secretly thrilled to have someone looking after him again, though he says it’s his duty to moan about it ;) And he’s murmuring that the last thing he wants to do while she’s beside him is sleep xx

                                                • Link

                                                  aw the dear <3 and oh she says that's a perfectly lovely way to tire him out so it works ;)

  • Link

    Hooooly feck, it's epic to see all these side by side as a progression chart :D