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Yet So Far [Com] by Star E Knight

Yet So Far [Com]

Star E Knight

So from what I understand, this image is about a space captain who cant be with her love because in order for her to be with him, she will lose her higher thinking and become tribal. This will then not allow her to fly through the stars.

Here is part of the story that inspired the image:

“What’s it like Sadir? Space?” Jakul said, his eyes fixed on the night sky.
“It’s cold...and lonely. I could show you…if you would want.” Elizabeth said through the glass.
Brief contemplation danced across his eyes…even though she knew he’d never accept. Years of instincts would compel him to stay grounded. Protect the children and females, lead, provide. There was no need to fly.
“I wouldn’t have the need, not tonight anyway.”
He placed his hand on the glass between them…she fought back a tear, and placed hers on the glass over his.
“Perhaps…one day?” She choked
“Perhaps.” He calmly replied, eyes never wavering from the darkness and stars above.
Slowly he turned his focus to Elizabeth.
“Until next time.”
“Yes…until next time.”
He turned and disappeared into the forest.
Hand still pressed against the glass, she wept.

(c) Characters to Anubis2030 (FA)
(c) art to Me

Submission Information

Visual / Digital



  • Link

    Beautiful and heart-wrenching.

    • Link

      Thanks sweet heart and I agree. I wish the writer would finish the story too, kind of want to know what happens...