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a whole lot of losers by spoonface

a whole lot of losers


welp. these were fun to draw. for. absolutely no reason.

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Visual / Digital


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    man you're able to pull off so many different face shapes so well!

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      Aaa thank you ; v ; I try to make my characters look as distinct from one another as possible.

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    I love how varied your characters are, not even just in like, their body/face shapes either, you even manage to make their eyes all different and it's so wonderful aaaa

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      Aaa thank you ; v ; I'm glad you noticed. I've been drawing various eyes since, well, forever (even back when I didn't understand the structure of the eye let alone was able to draw faces for the eyes hahaha). Adhering to a specific "style" of eyes for all characters when it comes to stylized figures never sat well with me for whatever reason. Then again one of my biggest inspirations in varied character designs has to be Yukito Kishiro, particularly his work in Gunnm/Battle Angel Alita. Despite how weird the character designs could get (even when not heavily augmented by cyber body parts), it didn't feel disjointed, ever. (also I think it's his art to blame that I draw the line over the upper lip, helps make that particular detail more prominent/visible, haaha)

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    I LOVE how varied your work is. I reiterate you totally need to make a comic or something with all your babbies in it. I'm a fan of every single one you draw

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      Thank you! ; v ; I do intend to make something somewhere along the line!

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        eeee I cant wait till you do!