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Ask Foxy: Unpleasant Attention by RainbowFoxy

Ask Foxy: Unpleasant Attention


Still to this day remains the most true and hilarious comic strip I have done.

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Visual / Digital


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    O.o Times I'm glad i'm male >.>

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      Times I wish I was. :U

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        lol, hey, some times I wish I wasn't >.<

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    This is behaviour of men that should be severely punished >_> the whole fckin mentality is so disgusting :V
    Anyways, hillariously sad x')! Nicely done!

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      Sometimes it traverses the internet and into real life, its terrifying :U If grown men twice my age can't keep their hands to themselves, I vote that we should cut them off >:V

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    the "cream in your pie" one made me LOL


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      I forgot to add the ever often "ommmggg, a gIRL??? pROVE IT, sHOW ME UR TITTIES"

      and I'm like
      "ok first of all not everyone has them
      second, fuck right off, thanks."

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    Sigh Sometimes I hate the fact that I skew more towards male than female on the genderqueer slider.

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      I'm not entirely overjoyed with the fact I am biologically female and gender wise female identifying as well :U It makes for lots of unpleasant attention in many circumstances. >:V Occasionally, grown men twice my age can't keep their eyes, hands, or thoughts to themselves. It's really gross. At least I am blessed with a very sweet, intelligent, gentleman as a boyfriend, I honestly sometimes forget how gross other people can be. Then I hop online and try to make friends and its like "Oh." ;<;

      Or log onto FaceBook or other social media and see hate groups that are literally just spewing bigotry regarding women, feminism, sexualities, genders, races, etc and I'm like "ahahah now I remember why I don't like leaving my bubble. Because it makes me aggressive and an immediate threat to gross human beings aaaaaaa-hahaha..."

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        haha, i agree so much about this too.

        number of furries i've started talking to online: a lot!

        number of furries i felt comfortable with and kept talking to: 4. hahaha!

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        I try not to think about all the folks who would more than likely enjoy seeing me killed painfully and violently just because of what color I am or am not or what gender I don't conform to or who I love, etc. Yeah lot's of people are shit and it sucks that there's so much hatred but there are a lot of good people out there. That's why I try to be a positive, encouraging and loving person because there's more than enough hate out there as it is.

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          The angry arguments I get into with my parents over these topics are no longer worth it, because regardless of how professionally I debate and how well-prepared and how well thought out of an argument I have, its always derailed by my dad simply yelling twice as loud as he did previously so that I cannot physically talk over him. I sort of accepted I won't ever be able to change them, and instead focus my energy on trying to convince more malleable minds to favor political correctness, tolerance, and acceptance of things they may or may not necessarily understand very well.