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Crowded Campsite by RaddaRaem

Crowded Campsite


By trade, Morgan is a White Mage. Doling out boons and buffs to keep her friends and allies fighting at their best! Through thick and thin the raccoon has resolved to keep herself ingratiated amongst her comrades even in the most ferocious of fights. She leads by doing and is loathe to dole out spells and supportive well wishes from the sidelines.

...Unfortunately, that's where she now finds herself. Not that she minds this late in the game. Exhausted from the day's events she is more than content to just wait this bigness out and take it easy for the evening.

Again, this is but a single pic among many of my normally petite raccoon gal, Morgan, suddenly finding herself looming large. There's a story in progress for it, that I'm now... I have all of one scene left to write out, and figured I may as well post not only some art to accompany the story but the scene that goes with it!

Amazing art comes courtesy of kernelDecoy!



“You’re sure about this, Tyr?” Knapsack pinched between her fingers, Morgan released her grip and allowed it to flop onto her waiting palm.

Tyridia’s limbs trembled as he carried the last handful of kindling over to their eventual campfire. With every uneasy step, the pinecones, the rotted branches, and the fallen leaves, all piled high, threatened to spill free from the fox’s clutches. “It’s no big deal! I-I can just go to bed… for dinner.”


“It’s not going to kill me to go hungry for the night,” he replied. Chest deflating as he exhaled, Tyridia tossed his arms out to his sides. The collected debris tumbled into the fire pit at his feet.

Eyes half-lidded, Morgan rolled the bundled cloth around her palm. Its contents, equal parts bread, barley, and jerky, spilled out and collected within the wrinkles of her padded flesh. “Not even a little bit? Tyr, this is barely a mouthful to me as it is. Come on.”

“Do I have to?” the fox complained.

“Tyr, I appreciate the effort but what you’re trying to pull isn’t selfless so much as it is… stupid. Now come on.” Leaning forward, she shoved her food-filled palm out towards the fox.

“Okay, okay, okay! I give. Let me set up our campfire first.” Hand held up before him, a faint weight settled upon his fingers as he coated them with conjured ether. “Just add heat and…” Snapping his fluffy thumb and middle finger together, a purple wisp of fox fire burst to life within Tyridia’s grasp. Twisting his hand about his wrist, he splayed out his fingers and released his hold on the conjured flame. It fell into the firepit with a fwip.

Morgan mmphed when she felt the foodstuffs crumble apart in the wrinkles of her padded palm. “Grab what you can, I guess.”

Embers crackling to life behind him, Tyr approached the outstretched hand. He sank his digits deep into the pinched folds of flesh and blushed furiously when the raccoon giggled at the ticklish sensations. Tyridia hurriedly retracted them and tucked his arms against his sides.

“Y-you good?” Morgan bashfully inquired. Toes curled tightly against her soles, she couldn’t help but huff.

“I-I. Ummm.” Finely ground powder, interlaced with crumbling chunks of jerky, sifted between the fox’s clenched fingers. Tyridia sheepishly brought a hand up to his mouth and forced himself to choke down the mixture. He coughed as the powdered breading and barley caked his tongue. “I’m good.”

The raccoon nodded before mimicking the fox’s actions for herself. To her pleasant surprise, she was actually able to manage a couple of chews before swallowing.

An awkward silence fell over the forest as the duo turned their attention towards anything but each other. Tyridia absently tended to the fire, logs snapping and popping noisily. Morgan peered up through the gaps in the leafy canopy and traced out the constellations that pocked the purpling sky.

“Sooooo…” the white mage interrupted as she thrummed her fingers against her thighs.

“Soooooo?” Tyr replied with some hesitation. His gaze reluctantly settled upon her as she slid back against a tree. One that, thankfully, didn’t groan in protest and threaten to uproot itself when she did so.

Morgan crossed her arms about her chest, forearms purposefully obscuring her bosom, as her ringed tail swished behind her shyly. “Sooooo about today. With… what all you saw.”

Tyridia tried, and failed, to look away when her heels dragged against the forest floor as she stretched her legs. Those long shapely limbs, clad with ripped and torn form-fitting pants that accentuated every curve they could cover, sent his frail heart thumping. “I-I’ll forget everything!” he stammered out.

Chin tucked against her chest, Morgan’s amber eyes swiveled towards the sides of their sockets. “That’s not what I’m asking. A-actually, maybe this isn’t the best time for this,” she trailed off before planting her arms at her sides.

Staring down at his sandals, Tyr grappled briefly with his curiosity before giving in. “…When would be a good time?” he asked.

A nervous and pronounced raspberry was the only reply Morgan could muster up in response.

“I-it can be never!” the fox frantically replied.

Cheeks puffed out, the white mage idly pondered whether or not it was worth it to cast Dispel. Maybe see if it could banish the awkward airs draped about them. “No. Nooooo. This is… I’m…” Why did she even broach the topic? She was gigantic and flustered and this conversation was difficult enough to have even under the best of circumstances and aughhhhhhh. “You… you know what I’m trying to get at with this, right?”

Tyridia forced himself to meet her gaze. Steeling his nerves, he inhaled deeply. “Y-yeah.”

….Okay, he could do better than that. Clawed fingers curled against his palms, the fox relented and embraced the awkwardness. “We... we kinda suck at this whole flirting thing, don’t we?” O-oh geeze was that too forward? No no nooooo he just out and out went and admitted that-

“Oh gods, we do. We really really do,” Morgan heaved out in relief. She relaxed her scrunched up shoulders and breathed easy at the admission.

Well then. “S-so this isn’t just a one-sided me thing?” Tyr sheepishly asked.

Morgan snorted and cracked a toothy grin. “No,” she quietly and confidently answered.

“I. Umm.” The fox’s cheeks strained from smiling so much. “You’re not still mad about today, are you? I mean, y-you’re allowed to be, of course!”

“Hmmm? Yeah, no, today sucked,” Morgan bluntly answered.


“But… I appreciate you doing everything you could to try and make it less so. Even if it was technically your fault to begin with,” she smirked. The raccoon turned her attention towards the fire crackling by her hips and, in turn, the shadow she cast in its presence. She hmmed at the light-warping trails of ether that radiated off of her silhouette. Subtle as it was, it was reassuring to see that the illusion was slowly but surely unraveling itself.

Tyridia laughed nervously as he rubbed a hand up and down along one of his loose fitting sleeves. “R-right. Speaking of… is there anything else I can do for you?”

Morgan hmmmed. Biting into her bottom lip, she gently bumped against the foxy summoner with a grey furred thigh. “I… I…” The raccoon papped a hand against one of her cheeks and tried to hide the bright crimson blush that had spread across it. “Wow I suck at this,” she wryly giggled.

Tail puffed out behind him, Tyr leaned into her leg. “Don’t screw this up, don’t screw this up, DON’T SCREW THIS UP,” he relentlessly repeated to himself as he all but spontaneously combusted at her very touch. “Not like I’m any better,” he mumbled in reply.

“Here’s to mutual suckage?” Morgan smirked as she gingerly cupped a palm against his back.

“Here’s to mutual suckage,” he shyly cheered back before squeezing at one of her fingers.


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Visual / Digital