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Chaos Chosen Honour Guard by Prince-of-Erebus

Chaos Chosen Honour Guard


The distinctive snapping hiss of the archaic boltgun rang in the air as one of the chosen brothers felled a PDF guard who intruded on them. The short burst was more than enough to fell the poor man in less than a heartbeat, and he lay bleeding on the ground as an unrecognisable ruin of meat in the corridor he from which he entered.

Their mission was not a difficult one, but a vital one none the less. Tasked by their normal charge, they were ordered to provide protection for the lone apothecary with the discretion only a small force allowed. Thus the importance of having such skills as they possessed.

The auspices still showed clear, but the guard hadn't displayed on their readouts. Whether they were being jammed, or if it was some malfunction of equipment was uncertain. Two of their members took up positions to monitor for incoming enemies; any who heard the discharge in the facility would be coming.

'Brother Antone, Asmodeus, now!' the sargeant bellowed over the vox, with the distinct distortion of their helmets. He slammed his fist into the storage container, glass, which blew it apart without need for his powered chainfist. Having breached the device he stepped back and let the battle brothers incenerate the collected biomaterial. The mission was complete, as their apothecary had verified this was the only captured samples of biomatter the defence force had stored.

Signaling his men with the fallback commands, they departed the base and started to their extraction point.


Some good olde fashion beakies!

I got these from a former friend, whose mother acquired a lot of rogue trader minis. I plan to use these, if ever, as an honour guard for a captain or such. I'm not big on vets, so it's not a likely occurrence, because my Nephilim blood means that like the Angels I prefer to equip my veterans with TDA. Unfortunately for the lapdogs of the false god, The Fallen are not lacking in the relics of Dreadnaught armour too, so be wary!

As for the paint job: unfortunately the bone didn't come out very well, but I paint for fun, and I've sworn to never try to improve because for everything else I do I'm a relentless perfectionist! That means that even when I screw something up in paint, unless it literally ruins the fig, which I have done, I'm not allowed to correct it; that way lies madness.

The squad's equipped thusly:
Artificer armour, MC Boltguns, bolt pistols and Power weapons (Knife/axe/mutant claw)
Chosen Champion: Chainfist
2 men with Flamers (count as combi-weapons)
1 with Melta Bombs

I've got a stockpile of models I need to photograph, so stay tuned!

Note: if you enjoy these models please take a look at other photos in my gallery!

Submission Information

Visual / Modeling / Sculpture