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Draw Your ARMS: Zoanthropes by PartlySmith

Draw Your ARMS: Zoanthropes


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The world of “Draw Your ARMS” is remarkably similar to our own, save some minor differences, and more notably one major one: it is a world where humans never evolved. In their place, the world is populated by various species of anthropomorphic animals known as “zoanthropes,” more commonly referred to as “zoans” for short.

“Zoanthrope” is simply a blanket term applied to all humanoid creatures of advanced intelligence; they can not be properly classified as a single species. The conditions behind their existence are not fully known, but it is believed that they simply evolved covergently alongside their feral counterparts. Feral animals still exist as we know them, and their presence in this world is not considered unusual; a wolf zoan could own a pet dog and no one would raise an eyebrow.

There are both vertebrate and invertebrate zoans, covering multiple phyla and classes. Due to their weight and body structure, there are no zoans capable of flight; however bird, bat, and insect zoans still have vestigial remnants of their wings. Hybrids can exist, but only under proper circumstances and are still uncommon (example: a lion and tiger can have a liger child, but a deer and rabbit can’t have a jackalope). There are no zoans of fictional creatures or domesticated animals (I realize Belle kinda pushes that a bit, but I was specifically thinking more along the lines of domestic cats and dogs and other pets).

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