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Nova's Commission Prices by Novasiri

Nova's Commission Prices


Yeah. Commissions. I do them.

Sketches are pretty straight forward. Same with Lineart. However I decided to switch to an Hourly Based wage for Flats and Cel-Shaded artwork. I’ll be using Linestream timing to clock the time for accurate payments. But expect These to run either 20 (If I work REALLY fast) to Upwards of 60+ depending on how detailed, you want it, and how much is going on.

'Wow Nova.. your prices jumped on the last two!'

-I know. I come to realize that for the amount of time and effort I put into these, it is probably best that I switch the more time consuming ones to hourly to best get my works out of it. But.. this means that I’ll be working with Deadlines now! That means you get your art faster!

'Do you have more examples of your work?'

-Well, you're here on my Weasyl page, just take a gander at my other works! :D

'Will you draw -insert subject matter here-?'

-Send me a note to ask, the worst thing I could say is No. However I do have a PG-13 limitation rule. ( No pron. Not comfortable enough with my art to do that. )

'No backgrounds?'

-Not yet. YET. For now it will be primarily static imagery. I am working slowly with 3d modeling and hope to introduce that to the list in the future.

'How should we contact you for a commission or questions?'

-Send me a Note. I’m online.. a lot.

'What payment methods do you take?'

-Paypal. All payments should be sent to the e-mail address I will send after accepting to do your commission.

So.. Yeah. there.

Submission Information

Visual / Other