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3D Commission Prices by LuxVolans

3D Commission Prices


A few more details:

$30 Flat price Head Bust Sculpts.</bThis is a complete headshot sculpt that can be colored, posed, textured, and set however you like. However, this is a one-time use purchase. This cannot be later upgraded into any other model, and is not suited for export to other external programs due to extreme polycounts. (Usually on average of approx. 14 Mil polys)

$20 Headshot Bust: Base Mesh</bThis is the base mesh headshot. By default, this only comes with the mesh, however textures and colors can be added as well. This model can also be upgraded to a further point in the future. For example, if you wanted this to become a full-body model, that is possible as well. This can also be upgraded with Textures and colors as well. 

$60 Full-Body Sculpt: Base Mesh</bThis is the base mesh headshot. By default, this only comes with the mesh, however textures and colors can be added as well. This model can also be upgraded to a further point in the future. This can also be upgraded with Textures and colors as well. 

Wings:</bWings may cost extra, and is dependent upon wing type. 

Rigging, Optimization, Retopology, and prep for animation/game Dev.:</bWhile it is possible to have this done to the base mesh models, There is currently not a set price for them, and it may vary wildly depending on the character itself. If you'd like more specifics, please feel free to contact me. 

If you'd like more examples or regular updates, I'd reccomend you check out my Telegram channel HERE:</a
If you're interested, please feel free to message me on Telegram, FA, or comment below!

Please note: All prices may be subject to increase due to level of detail.

Submission Information

Visual / Other