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Revya Cunning - Adjustable Attire by Lapseph

Revya Cunning - Adjustable Attire


Was playing around in Saints Row 2 again... for no reason... coughs ...and while doing so, pieced together some clothes which loosely approximated Revya's latest "standard" outfit, so I decided to first piece together that outfit to give her a more traditional and basic outfit to wear that could reasonably appear in a variety of settings.

So I split this one up to show the parts and variants, starting with undergarments. Mainly just to define the design of the bra(/undershirt?) that would be seen beneath the open jacket/top.

Then we've got a more modern shirt/jacket without fancy adornments to loosely resemble the original I was using. And a regular leather belt with her pants. New bracelet design, more of a solid band of three instead of two loose rings... should be easier to draw I think? But it'd be fine to switch to looser single bands again.

Aaand Revya wearing glasses is a thing that came about because of Pathfinder shenanigans. She received a pair magic spectacles that increase her perception and tracking abilities, so she just took to wearing them all the time. This has resulted in my thinking about how that would look more and more, so we've tried it out for looks here (and a few other places). I think they have a nice effect and can enhance her appearance, particularly with certain outfits. But on the whole, nothing is wrong with her eyes and she doesn't actually need them. They're just for show and the look. XD

Lastly the "borrowed" version of the outfit. Which uses Samantha Weltzin's bra design and basically Alexis Manque's entire outfit with some... "adjustments" coughs

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