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Halloween Icons by jonas

Halloween Icons


  1. Stoker Bramwell as Beetlejuice
  2. Jonas as Oogie Boogie from the Nightmare Before Christmas
  3. Hollie Hyena as the Wicked Witch of the West
  4. Slither as Bela Lugosi's Count Dracula
  5. Reveille as Bellatrix Lestrange
  6. HonorableThief as the Master from Manos: the Hands of Fate
  7. Coppernickel as Jack Skellington
  8. Cleo as the Corpse Bride
  9. Circutron as a Deadite from the new Evil Dead
  10. Akkarri as Duela Dent from the Batman comics
  11. Twincash as the head spider from John Carpenter's The Thing
    12/13/14. Minzydog along with her friends Bella and Shelby as the three witches from Hocus Pocus
  12. Gen as the Joker from Batman: The Animated Series
  13. Foxena as Dr. Evil from Austin Powers
  14. Sunoth as the Djinn from Wishmaster
  15. Jay Wolfe as Jack Torrance from the Shining
  16. Distorter as Sachiko from Corpse Party
  17. ma200's cat as Hannibal Lecter from Silence of the Lambs
  18. Biscuit as the Gerard Butler version of the Phantom of the Opera
  19. Dr. Akai as Molasar from The Keep
  20. Rane as Chernobog from Fantasia
  21. Jakebe as Donald Sutherland's character from Invasion of the Body Snatchers
  22. Hawk as Norman Bates from Psycho

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Visual / Digital