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Maskhuggers 3 by Homerboy4

Maskhuggers 3


There's more of them...
...And they're spreading... feed on us...

All was still in the apartment of Nathan Delacroix. He usually spent his time gaming and occasionally doing some light streaming on the side. Tonight was one of his stream nights, or at least, it would have been had he not missed it. A bit strange, but most of his viewerbase chalked it up to him deciding not to stream and forgetting to notify, and went off to other activities.

Except, he was standing next to his computer, inordinately still and stiffened for a night such as this. The reason why would become clear from the single, telltale pattern of noise he was making; softly, but ever so clearly to his intently listening ears.

"Hiiiiiih....Haaaaaah...." ... "Hiiiiiih....Haaaaaah...."

The almost endlessly repeating, filtered breaths of a Masked 'Mon, controlled by that parasite which had begun making its presence known in the area. Whether it got in through the vents, or simply an unmarked package as a "gift," the Lucario was now at the mercy of its undeniable, absolute authority.

There was no "escape." Such a word was no longer capable of being thought of. All that mattered was the moment, and little more than the mask's control.

"Hiiiiiih....Haaaaaah...." ... "Hiiiiiih....Haaaaaah...."

Short story is written by TS2.

too proud of how I made that fake discord server woot

Maskhugger concept is by me. Homerboy4 Homerboy4
Character is by TS2.
Lucario species is from Pokemon, by Nintendo.

Submission Information

Visual / Digital