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-VIDEO- Peter the cat debunks false Marilyn Manson rumors by GuineaPigDan

-VIDEO- Peter the cat debunks false Marilyn Manson rumors


NOTE! 2/6/2021 In light of Evan Rachel Wood's accusations of abuse against Manson, I wrote this journal. I find Wood's allegations credible and Manson should go to court, have it determined whether or not he is guilty, and have justice served. This video was made BEFORE those allegations came to light, and focuses primarily on FALSE rumors fundamentalist Christians make against him. Making up false claims about Manson killing puppies, getting ribs taken out etc actually helps Manson by allowing him to say most of the bad stuff said about him is just wild exaggerations. The point of this video isn't to say Manson hasn't done anything wrong, but rather to say that criticism of Manson should be FACTUALLY based, rather than fake rumors made up by fundamentalists who have never actually listened to any of his music or seen any of his shows. Please keep that in mind that I'm talking mostly about false rumors against Manson, not claims of abuse from people that actually knew him in person.

Original description:
I posted this video last December but I think I either forgot to post it here on Weasyl or accidentally deleted it, so here it is now in anticipation of my follow up video. This video focuses on the website Jesus-Is-Savior. The second video focuses on a pastor named Danny Castle, which can be viewed here.
Peter the cat decided to take a blast to the past and look at some old articles written by Fundamentalist Christians that attack shock rocker Marilyn Manson, falsely accusing Manson of killing animals, getting his ribs taken out, and causing Columbine. How does a Manson fan react to these accusations? With sarcasm and research! I had a lot of sources, so I'm posting them in a PasteBin.
Audio clean up by WaxBadger WaxBadger
Marilyn Manson voice by CurtisLupus

Addendums and error corrections (there's a lot!):
ADDENDUM 1/7/2020, some extra sources I didn't include in my video because I hadn't found these when I was filming.
Here's a 2012 interview where Manson dis-confirms the rumor that he uses his tattoos as a bullseye to stick heroin needles in. Manson does openly talk about his drug use in interviews, but claims heroin is one drug he's never taken.
Also, I found a 1999 interview in which Twiggy Ramirez is asked about the rumor Manson's father Hugh Warner kept a naked photo of him in his wallet. This rumor is half-true, Manson says he did once give his father a naked photo of Twiggy, but Hugh did not carry it in his wallet. Twiggy says he carried a photo of Hugh Warner in his own wallet though, a reversal of what the rumor claimed!

ADDENDUM 8/19/20, councilor Todd Grande did a video analyzing the Columbine shooters. While he shows photos and uses the names of the shooters, the context in which he talks about these events are educational and he does a much better job than I could explaining the psyche of the perpetrators.

ERRATA 2/27/20, I say that there are two Manson songs that use the N-word, forgetting a third song that uses the word, "Irresponsible Hate Anthem," with the lyric "Everybody is someone else's n****r." I feel embarrassed to miss this since this is the opening song to Antichrist Superstar! If I had to interpret this lyric, I think it's about how everyone has someone else they look down on or scapegoat, not something intended to be racist.

ERRATA 4/2/2022, I was also not aware at the time that I made this video that people who knew Manson have said his 1998 autobiography "The Long Hard Road Out Of Hell" contains exaggerated and fabricated events. If I had known this, I would have been more careful when discussing biographical details about Manson from his book. MansonWiki has a short section on some of the parts of the book that are fabricated. There is also an unofficial documentary from 2000, "Demystifying the Devil" which interviews several of Manson's friends and ex-band mates who dispute the claims in the book. Be warned, that documentary contains NSFW content such as a home video of Manson feeding a live rabbit to a snake.

ERRATA 10/25/2023, I briefly mention a TED Talk given by Sue Klebold, the mother of one of the Columbine shooters, where she gives her insights and her reaction to Columbine. I was not aware at the time I made this video that much of what she says about not seeing warning signs in her son is contradicted by statements made by other students and teachers, and Columbine survivors found her talk exploitive and misinformative. She is just clout chasing and trying to deflect anyone from blaming her poor parenting. I recommend this critique of her TED talk from Timmy2Cents.

ERRATA 1/19/2024 Previously I had linked to a video by Timmy2Cents criticizing Sue Klebold as a narcissistic mother who is clout chasing off her son being a school shooter. Another you tuber, Miorby, has criticized Timmy's video as being full of inaccuracies about Sue and Columbine. The two of them also had a debate, and Timmy did rather poorly. I will link Miorby's video since it does a very thorough job showing where Timmy went wrong with his analysis.

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