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waiting on the stairs by capribebe

waiting on the stairs


I doubt math majors cry this much about their schoolwork

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Visual / Digital


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    I remember school. So many tears.

    But THIS is lovely, so I'm glad to see it! Just my kind of scenery, love the setting/composition.

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      ohhh god, especially in my last semester (when this piece was done)... so, so many tears.
      thanks so much! <3

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    I saw my sister go through art school. It seemed like four years of constant panic and misery. I think seeing how it affected her scared me away from pursuing an art degree myself.

    In retrospect I often wish I'd swallowed my terror and gone that route - it's not like I'm doing anything with my English degree, and I know I'll never make anything half as beautiful as this on my own. It's one of my all-time favourites.

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      it was rough, for sure. Art can be such a difficult thing to push, so it was often a struggle to get schoolwork done, and I know countless, countless people that dropped out - of the 30 people who started in my illustration program, only 4 of us graduated. @_@

      the nice thing about art is that you can do it yourself, though! Since it's your portfolio that really speaks to people rather than your degree. I'd encourage you to keep doing art in your free time, and who knows where it'll take you? <3

      thanks so much for your sweet comment. ;w;

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        Thanks. I've been doing it this long, so I'll keep at it as I'm able. Maybe I'll even stop drawing naked furries and come up with something portfolio-appropriate some day!