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Uneasy Test Subject 7 (End) by Alterflane

Uneasy Test Subject 7 (End)


The passing seconds became moments and all the while the once short volunteer had become quite the spectacle to behold. While the growth didn’t accelerate, it certainly didn’t slow either. With the walls and ceiling not offering any give, Alt found him trying to manoeuvre his body into a less cramped position and he was running out of such options fast; his own half-plush body already offered limited dexterity, but as the potion he’d consumed encouraged his body to continue expanding outwards this proved to be increasingly challenging.

At this point, it was clear that Viridian had abandoned any note-taking and was simply just watching the growing fox-dragon with pure delight; looking on with joy and taking regular steps backwards as Alt grew to take up the space that she once occupied. Eventually there was no more room to move into and she soon disappeared from sight, cushioned against the wall by one a gigantic plush paw.

By the time the scientist had managed to ascend the mountain of plush before, her volunteer’s growth had come to an end. The fennec filled the room in all directions leaving little of the room's flooring uncovered. Viridian skipped forward taking in the sights before reaching the middle of the testing area, Alt’s soft and well-stuffed midsection. She brushed centre of his tum with her paws, marvelling at the differences between his fur and plush halves.

Was the experiment over? There’d been lulls before during this experiment so to be sure she “generously” attempted to kick-start any further transformations by springing upon his stomach. Aside from the enjoyment of the added bounce to her leaps, Viridian came to the conclusion that she couldn’t shake the potion into offering any more than it already had. Calling this trial a success and with Alterflane blocking all exits with his body, she happily flopped on her back to enjoy the comfort of her current location. The once uneasy test subject finally getting his break from the experiment to enjoy the newly found calm in the minutes that followed.

His stomach began to bubble once more.

So... this took me over four years to finish seven pages, whoops! Still, it was lovely to work on this at such a relaxed pace. But I'm calling this one finished, well, at least for now. I might add some more bonus stuff later down the line but at the moment have no plans to do so. However, I may try something similiar with randomised effects for one of my other characters - we'll see!

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  • Link

    Gah ha ha, congrats on finishing!

    • Link

      Cheers! Let's see if I can do the next sequence of randomised effects any quicker.