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I'm not super active here. I peak in every two to three days only. I'm more active over on that "other site" that goes by two initials (linked further below).

Former writer on the now defunct Usenet Newsgroup, alt.devilbunnies. More information on my activity on that old group in this journal post.

Happily Mated/Married to a non-furry (unless former alt.devilbunnies writers count as "furry").

"Closet Furry"--this timid squirrel rarely attends muzzle-to-muzzle events. I'm here more to appreciate the art. Furry is a hobby for me, not a 'lifestyle'.

Fursona: normal-looking (aka "feral") Eastern Gray Squirrel. Be forewarned, as Aldin tends to come out a lot in the comments left for others. If you want to know a little more about Aldin, he did post a journal entry about one of those Get to Know you Memes.

Squirrel-at-heart as long as I can remember. How long? Well, there's a 4 part series of journal entries on that too, starting here thanks to a question in a chat session. Yes, I can be very long worded. I'm sure it's that writer in me. (gigglechitter)

Active Scout Leader and avid scout patch/badge/crest collector (many of which are furry-themed, though most scouts probably don't realize it). Five filled blankets with patch/badges/crests from around the world and working on two others. Eagle Scout, OA Vigil Honor member and Silver Beaver recipient. Yes, that active a scout leader.

Spent a year lurking here before getting an account 'cause I tend to scout things out a while. That and I was already active on FA. (Hey, I lurked there for at least 5 years before getting an official account.) I remain over there Aldin Busheytail and simply got this to keep up with some folks who moved here.

If you count my time with alt.devibunnies (not all view them as furry), I've dabbled in this furry thing on the edges now since 1989 or so, way back when "" was the furry "social network" (long before that term was coined) of choice.

Moxie fanatic. Don't know what it is? It's one of the oldest continuously bottled soft drinks in the USA. Do a net search for more info.

That's probably enough for now.


Fur Affinity

Latest Journal

Next tale to post shortly & New Earth Reference Guide

My next tale in the New Earth series will start posting in the next few days. If you haven't read the previous six tales in the series to date, here are links:
A New Beginning
Winter Encounter
Rise of the Squirrels
Squirrel Calls
Fire Refugees

New Earth Reference Guide through the end of Fire Refugees:
Length measurement:
Cemit - centimeter
Mit – meter
Kamit – kilometer


Hour – klick
Minute – ceklick. Klicks split into 100 ceklicks. So, a ceklick is roughly 36 seconds.
Second – milklick, Ceklick is split into 100 milklicks, so a milklick is roughly a third of a second.
Day – 25 klicks
Year 350.4 days. The year is roughly same length as Terra when taking the longer day into account. The year is split into 10 months of 35 days each. Add extra day every few years to keep up with the partial day in the year.

Not yet named, but uses Celsius scale of zero for freezing point of water and 100 for boiling point of water.

Representative assembly (Parliament) chosen by random lottery for 5-month term. All adults in a region are in the lottery to be the representative for that region. If chosen to represent, the representative is also exempt from future lotteries. Assembly only meets face-to-face as necessary. One member is voted in by others as head of the assembly (Chancellor). “Day-to-day” business conducted online. In times of emergency, the term is extended for the length of the emergency. Chancellor has extended/extra powers in times of an emergency. This government started about 400 years ago for several regions (countries). The world became united under this single government about 300 years ago, though the last holdouts didn’t join until roughly 200 years ago.

Formerly separate countries, regions are now the local government unit of the world government. Each unit has a representative in Parliament.

Some regions mentioned so far:
Alisferil (Forestdale, government center/capital)
Cussack Mountain
Northeastern Hills--Aldin’s first “home” region on new Earth
Northern Arctic
High Lakes
Low Island Forest
Central Lakes & Forests—Aldin’s second “home” region on new Earth
Acadian Valley District
Capital District
High Dessert District

Claton City-city in Northeast Hills District
The Refuge—name chosen by Pinecone’s people for their new colony fashioned after Namakanta on Terra. It is located within the Central Lakes & Forests region.
Rock City—city in Central Lakes & Forests region.

War is a thing of the past. The last war was 400 years ago. Little is spoken about it other than it was terrible.

History prior to a certain date (unspecified so far) is lost.

The alignment of the stars is similar to how it would look on Terra approximately 100,000 years in the future with some differences. Ex. The Big Dipper is more like a frying pan. Mizar (middle star of the handle) isn’t there, having gone nova centuries before.

Land Masses:
Land masses on New Earth look similar to computer projects of Terra if you melted down the ice caps completely.

Ahead of Terra. Self-piloting hovercrafts. Tesla-coil electrical power through the air. Back-up wired electricity for emergencies run through underground conduits. Worldwide Internet that provides both communication and entertainment. Handheld smartphone-like pad computers, called flat panels, with much more computing power. Velcro-like backing to the pad computers allow them to comfortable stick to fur. Advanced 3D printer technology—can produce just about anything needed.

Monetary system:
Credits—totally electronic. No concept at this time of the value compared to Terran dollars. Payments used made by handprint scan or retina scan.

Similar to Terra, most do cook. Meat does not seem to be as heavily consumed as in western Terran culture. A protein product like tofu is also used. Some colors are a little different (purple tomatoes).

Location of New Earth to Terra:
Unknown. Some theorize they are one and the same, approximately 100,000 years apart. Other theorize they are parallel worlds in different dimensions.

Hofstrah Medical University, Claton City, Northeast Hills Region
Nadowahoc College, Northeast Hills Region

Characters/Creatures of New Earth:
All semi-feral, about half-again as large as their Terran “wild cousins”. Bipedal, but can sit back on their haunches comfortably. Front paws are human hand-like with opposable thumbs. Picture Disney's Robin Hood or Zootopia. Most citizens of New Earth keep their hand nails/claws trimmed to prevent interference with using their flat panel computers.

Some things are different compared to their “wild cousin” counterparts. Ex: a citizen skunk has no musk glands (bred out of the species). A citizen squirrel’s incisors do not constantly grow like a wild cousin’s would. Clothing is optional and used mostly to make a statement or due to work. Ex. Doctors will wear smocks as it's easier to clean blood out of clothes than out of fur.

Aging of New Earth Citizens:
Youth: 0-10 years
Adolescent 11-15 years
Adult 16 years onward
Lifespan: 68-75 years

As of New Earth Spring matching to 2018 Terra time measuring system, here are the main characters in these tales to date:

Aldin Busheytail the Younger-Terran Nahmakanta “enhanced” squirrel or as dubbed by those on new Earth, “smart cousin” squirrel. Typical Eastern gray squirrel in looks and instincts. Was studying physics before passing through a doorway to New Earth. Parliament kicked the can on what to do with him by designating him as Ambassador (Embassador) of the Nahmakanta squirrels to Earth. Nose to base of tail, one third mit (12 inches). Seven Terran years old at time of arrival on Earth. Became citizen of New Earth Terran date spring 2018. Chitterspeak name, Friend. Seven at the time, he passes through to New Earth.

Aouphril-20-year-old female squirrel. Her pelt is a tawny brown mixed in with salt pepper gray. She is tassel-eared like a western Douglas squirrel or maybe a Eurasian. The tassels are reddish mixed with the tawny brown. Mate/wife to Orlan. Nose to base of tail about half-a-mit (18 inches). She is the first New Earth citizen to encounter Aldin Busheytail.

Orlan-20-year-old male squirrel. Slightly taller than his mate/wife, Aouphril. His pelt/body is like an Eastern Gray squirrel. He is fluent in wild cousin squirrel (chitter)speak.

Dr. Hanter-elderly rabbit medical doctor. No real description of his coloration. Retired spring Terran date 2018.

Mara-female vixen/fox. Served as chancellor of the 805th Parliament when Aldin arrived on New Earth. She is a research chemist. Nose to base of tail about three-quarters of a mit (30 inches). She abhors hunting having suffered a traumatic hunting right-of-passage event.

Enhray-male pine martin representative of Alisferil Region-removed from office after attacking Aldin. Aldin would go on to obtain him a pardon for his crime and they would become long-distance friends.

Phyllis-Enhray’s wife/mate.

Karle-20-something skunk, college student and research assistant to Dr. Kaynobble. Citizen skunks do not have musk glands due to many generations of selective breeding among their kind.

Giguere-tassel-eared squirrel with reddish-brown fur. Another college student and research assistant to Dr. Kaynobble. Has grown out his finger claws. Aldin has taught him how to climb like a wild cousin. Has accepted name, Helpful, in chitterspeak for when interacting with cousin squirrels.

Stepin Perraul-Black bear, Earth judicial system judge. Oversaw the retrial of Enhray.

Jerrico-otter, reporter for the World News Network (WNN).

Elizus-weasel son of the unnamed counsel to Enhray at his trial over the attempted murder of Aldin. He works in the Mustelid Law Firm in Forestal like his father before him.

Dr. Raoul Kaynobble-male raccoon. Research professor at Nadowahoc College who specializes in wild-cousin squirrels. Secretly, trans-species/therian, he believes he should have been born a squirrel. He and Dr. Butternut Gowandle are mates. Chose to specialize in studying wild-cousin squirrels as there are too few wild-cousin raccoons left on Earth. Chitterspeak name, Curious.

Dr. Butternut Gowandle-female wild cousin-size squirrel with tassel ears. Was originally, a citizen-size squirrel, who suffered an unfortunate accident in an organic chemistry lab at Nadowahoc College. The accident caused her to physically regress into a wild cousin squirrel with complete instincts, but also maintained her mind. She spent six years living in the wild studying wild cousin squirrels up close, pretending to be one and raising orphans. Now mate to Dr. Raoul Kaynobble. Chitterspeak name, Butternut. Representative for the Northeast Hills Region in the 808th Parliament. She is 33 at the time she served in Parliament.

Dr. Territan-male hedgehog doctor. Physician to Butternut and to Aldin after Dr. Hanter’s retirement.

Fousette—male woodchuck, documentary film producer for Edunetwork Channel 5.

Here down, characters in Rise of the Squirrels:

Jessophat—male citizen squirrel, pepper gray pelt, rounded ears. His family lives 40 ceklicks from the nearest town in the Central Lakes & Forests District off-grid much like wild cousin squirrels. Chitterspeak name, Kind.

Pinecone—female wild cousin squirrel, about four years old in story she first appears in. Friends with Jessophat and his family. Looks like an eastern gray squirrel. Has blue eyes. Choses Aldin as her new mate after Twig’s death.

Saniel—Jessophat’s son, Chitterspeak name, Energy.

Carulin—Jossphat’s wife. Chitterspeak name, Sunshine.

Twig—male wild cousin squirrel whose parents were killed while he was a pup. Raised by a wildlife rehabber and released onto Jessophat’s land. Looks like an eastern gray squirrel. First mate to Pinecone. He is about two years old in story he first appears in. He dies saving Saniel’s life.

Jochen—male squirrel in Forest & Lakes District, cousin to Aouphril. Like his cousin, he is pelt has tawny brown mixed in with salt pepper gray fur and is tassel-eared. Starts-up a Terran-style pizza joint in a deal with Aldin.

Larel—female bobcat, Representative for the Forest and Lakes District Region in the 808th Parliament.

Carles—male wolf, Representative of the Acadian Valley District in the 808th Parliament.

Dauvid—male beaver, steward on flitter airline.

Charlos—female otter flitter pilot.

Talnoir—male fox representative of the Cussock Mountains Region in the 808th Parliament

Swifttail—male squirrel representative of Low Island Forest District in the 808th Parliament

Roundear—male squirrel representative of High Lakes District in the 808th Parliament

Elder/Teacher—cousin squirrel Elder originally from forest in Northeast Hills region. Nearly starves to death due to rotten, damaged tooth. Nursed back to health by Dr. Territan. Testifies before 808th Parliament. Travels world with Pinecone and Aldin. Settles in Pinecone’s forest, becoming mate of Pinecone’s mother. Choses name, Teacher, at that point. Has green eyes.

Tassel—Mother of Pinecone, mate of Teacher. Elder of squirrels in Butternut Forest, Pinecone’s home territory. Like her daughter, she appears to be an eastern gray.

Added characters in Squirrel Calls:

Nimble-Adopted cousin squirrel grandpup to Butternut (Adopted dame of his sire). Born two years before Butternut returns to Biggen territory. Eurasian squirrel coloring with tassel ears Loses two mates in forest near Butternut, one to sickness (murder) and one to bird predation. Relocates to Pinecone’s forest and shares two mates with Shadow.

Shadow-cousin squirrel with black fur except chest, which is white. Tassel eared. Raised by ‘Biggen’ rehabilitator. Released in Pinecone’s forest. Shares two mates with Nimble.

Lily—one of the two sisters who chose Nimble and Shadow as mates. She is baren and helps others with their litters.

Buttercup—Lily’s sister and mates with both Nimble and Shadow.

Josine—Bassarisk/ring tale representative of the High Dessert District in the 809th Parliament.

Cloud—Non-albino squirrel with brown eyes, son of Pinecone & Aldin from their first litter. Named after Aldin’s father.

Twig the Younger—son of Pinecone & Aldin from their first litter. Pepper-gray fur like his mother with white chest fur. Names for her first mate.

Blossom—daughter of Pinecone & Aldin from their first litter and first born. She has pepper-gray fur with white chest fur. Thin light brown fur stripe between the gray and white like her father.

Chatter—son of Pinecone & Aldin from their first litter. Spitting image of his father with pepper-gray fur on his back and tail, mixed with light brown in the muzzle, thin light brown stripe between the gray and white on his body.

Logan—beaver in the Northeast Hills Region.

Leona—female beaver, chair of the committee that spent two years investigating Aldin’s origin.

Fire Refugee Characters

Oakridge—Law enforcement officer (constable) in Forestdale, Alisferil Region. Male squirrel with tawny brown fur and tasseled ears.

Foxy—female cousin squirrel from forest north of Forestdale, Alisferil Region. Orangish-Red fur with tassel ears. After her forest is destroyed by arsonists, she and the few survivors relocate to The Refuge. She is the eldest of the survivors at five years of age. Voted onto the council by the other members of The Refuge, young and old.

Shell—male pup of Tassel’s and Teacher’s first litter

Tansy—female pup of Tassel’s and Teacher’s first litter

Gray—male pup of Tassel’s and Teacher’s first litter

Birch Foxy—Adult female pup of Foxy, from two winters prior to the great fire.

Cherry Foxy—Female pup of Birch, first born in the litter of that year.

Brighteyes Foxy—male pup of Birch.

Red Foxy—female pup of Birch.

Beech Leaf—a male squirrel, second mate to Maple

Maple Leaf—female squirrel, mate to Beech Leaf, former mate of Tassel’s son (unnamed)

Wilby—female skunk constable for the Low Lakes Region.

Aourolynn—squirrel serving on constable force in the Low Lakes Region in and around Aleron City.

Night—Male pup of Shadow and Buttercup. Black as his sire with tassel ears.

Eve—Female pup of Shadow and Buttercup. Black and peppery gray mixed with rounded ears.

Swift—male pup of Nimble and Buttercup, peppery gray mixed with reddish brown fur, tasseled eared.

Tansey—Female pup of Nimble and Buttercup, peppery gray with rounded ears like her mother.

Characters of Namakanta/Terra:

Namakanta’s underwater power turbines produce about 300 watts per day (Enough for a dozen homes).

Mentat Snowpaw—tawny-brown furred squirrel, chief scientist. Started life as a snowshoe hare devilbunny (born spring 1997). Got transformed into a squirrel in mid-1998, keeping his fur coloration, including color changing to white in winter. Also kept his vorpal claws. Father of Lady Slipper. 20yrs a squirrel when Aldin the Younger vanishes.

Lady Slipper—current head of the council of elders. Looks like a normal gray squirrel, but with black fur on her paws, her ear tips and the tip of her tail. Has vorpal sharp claws like her father. Her fur turns white in the winter. 17 yrs old when Aldin the younger vanishes. Asked to join the council in 2004.

Mentat Cloud(chitter) Busheytail—non-albino white pelted squirrel, father to Aldin Busheytail the younger. Another scientist at Namakanta, but junior to Snowpaw.

Eugene Pomerleau—human, leader of the Maine Fudds. Close ally of the Namakanta squirrels.

Dr. Curtis Devon—human, physicist professor at the University of New Hampshire. Eagle Scout, who was a scout under Eugene Pomerleau. He is hired by the squirrels of Namakanta to investigate the accident that lead to the disappearance of Aldin the younger.

Springtail—a young squirrel scout. Winds-up on new Earth at the end of Squirrel Calls.

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    Hey there! Thanks for the watch. ^^

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    Thanks for the watch.

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    Thanks for the follow!

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    Thanks for the fave over here, too.

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    Hello there, fellow squirrel.

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    Slowly catching up on your stories Aldin. Thanks again for including Ryan. :-)

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      Thanks for allowing me to use him.