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Get to Know Me - And Feel Free to Ask Questions!

Well, since everyone ELSE seems to be doing it, I figured I'd make one. That, and I have no journals yet on Weasyl. I don't have many followers over here, so not sure if it'll be noticed, but I'll write it anyway just for gits and shiggles.
Also, if anything in here prompts further curiosity or you have a question you want to ask me, feel free!
So here we go!

What's your real name?


What names do you go by?
Edwin or Utunu. Utunu within the fandom, in general. :)

How old are you?
44 sigh

How old do you feel/act?
Younger than 44, certainly! :)

How tall are you?


What's your natural hair color?
Dirty Blonde

What's your eye color?


What's your orientation?


Are you single, taken or undecided?

Taken! Married to my Kikivuli for 15 years now, and been with our other two mates for 2 years. :)

What do you do in your spare time?
Family stuff (kids are a handful!), tabletop RPGs, boardgames, reading, play squash, learn Swahili, write my RPG system and headworld, some video games, and daydream. :)

What's your job or occupation?
I'm a software engineer, and have been doing video game development since 1991.

What do you like about yourself?
I like that I am friendly, and that I try to be generous and helpful. I enjoy the fact that I've learned a lot about a variety of subjects and continue to try and educate myself further, and that I'm still decent at sports enough to continue playing competitively.

What do you dislike about yourself?

I procrastinate, and there are many things I really want to work on that I never seem to push myself to work on more frequently. I've also allowed myself to get somewhat out of shape physically.

What is your belief/religion if you believe in anything at all?
I don't have any religious belief. Sometimes I wish I did, so that I had something to believe in to alleviate my worries about things out of my control, but honestly have never even been remotely religious or interested in deciding to follow any particular beliefs. However, I do find religion quite fascinating from an anthropological perspective, especially more ancient religions.

Do you drink?

Yes, but not to excess.

Do you smoke?

Never, and will never try.

What are your major fears?
Harm coming to my family, being critically injured, and drowning. How's that for a morbid response. :(

Do you have any dreams or goals?

Plenty. I need to push myself more to achieve them, however.

Have you ever had a crush or an ex?
I don't think I've had a crush. And no, no exes yet!

Who's your best buddy?

I have a couple, and they're perfectly aware who they are. :)

What's your favorite dish?

Probably beef wellington. But on a more day-to-day basis, I love pizza.

What's your favorite drink?

I have a number of them, depending on my mood. Margarita, caipirinha, beer, long island iced tea, and painted dog (my own concoction). Non-alcoholic, I like iced tea, tea, coffee, and grapefruit juice.

What's your favorite color?

Dark greens, teal, some blues, and goldenrod yellow. And autumn foliage colors. :)

If you had a super power, what would it be?
Most likely shapeshifting, purely for the guilty pleasure. Teleportation and immortality spring to mind, though.

What's your favorite movie?

I don't watch many movies. In general I enjoy Miyazaki films and Terry Gilliam films, along with a few other stand outs like Bladerunner or the Lion King.

What's your least favorite food?

Most fast foods and crappy junk foods. I also loathe lima beans and liver.

What's the last meal you want before you die?

Depends on my mood!

What do you drive and what would you really like to drive?
I drive a 1997 Toyota Supra, and quite enjoy it. Had it almost 17 years now, and don't see myself getting rid of it anytime soon! One of these days I want the disposable income to really mod it up.

What is your most disliked bug?
The ones that occur in Release mode but not in Debug. Those piss me off.

What pet peeves do you dislike the most?
People who are close-minded, or who are unwilling to listen to logic or reason. Pushy or sleazy people. And people being 'fake'.

What do you dislike in life?

That I grow inexorably older. I fear I won't have the time to do all I want to do. I dislike worrying constantly (I worry a lot), and wish I could - just for a moment - not have to worry about anything.

What do you enjoy about life?

All sorts of things! My wife, my kids, my mates, nature, playing, learning, and bettering myself.

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    Thanks for the compliments! I always enjoy your costume pics and the custom commissions you have done of your alter egos :-)

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      Woo! I'm glad you like them. :) I've been lax about getting more costume photos - something I need to remedy!

  • Link

    Found you again.

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      Woohoo! I'm pretty easy to find, since I use the same name. ;)

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        <.< Well I wasn't specifically looking, just kinda turned around and tripped over you. Maybe that's why I felt more pleased with it. XD

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    You're welcome ! I'm glad to follow your art !

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    Yip, bark, woof, meow! You're the popufur!