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A traveler who has devoted himself to the discovery of new things and the pursuit of fun at nearly any cost. As a result of this he is rarely content to stay in one place. Ever on the lookout for new adventures or opportunities, Terinas is a creature of some whimsy. He's tried his hand at swordplay, robbery, sorcery, unstable theoretical cheesecrafting, and even flower arranging (don't laugh) when he's had the chance. In the places he's been he's been called "infamous", "adorable", "a stripey whirlwind", and in one specific town "That... DAMN... CAT!" But for now, he's settled on writing dirty stories to entertain himself.

Howdy! Welcome to the Weasyl wing of all the commissioned art and stories paid for by me, as well as my (ever-growing) collection of furry stories! Everything is here: The deep and the mature, as well as the shallow and the kinky, and any thing in between those poles. Fair warning, I'm an unapologetic diaperfur, a hypnosis fanboy, keeper of a thousand and one fetishes (some of which i'm more comfortable admitting than others), a tiger who fancies himself a trickster, and in general a ridiculous flirt. Look around! really hope you find something here that strikes your fancy! If you do, feel encouraged to leave a comment, or to contact me via PM. I love meeting new people and l love exchanging ideas and hearing criticism. This page won't be as fleshed out as my Furaffinity page, but I'll have my stories up here, you can bet on that!

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Commission Status Update: April 24th?!?

Wait where did March go? Why is it almost May already? SHIIII-

Ok, ok, sorry I missed the April 1st update, even missing a chance to do an April Fools thing with it. IRL interfered, and while I won't go into it, just... I kept putting off making an update thinking I'd finish the next commission first, and IRL kept keeping me busy, and after a while I felt like I had to finish it before I updated this, to show I had something and was still working on things, and well...

Yeah, I'm sorry for keeping people interested out of the loop! T.T

So here's the latest news on these commissions:

-Commission 1-

Title: "Burying your Boner"
Bought by: AshtonYote
Status: 100% Done (Final Draft done, changes approved by the buyer, this one turned out longer than intended but the buyer was very grateful (and offered a tip!). Thank you!)

-Commission 2-
Title: "Pentagrams, Paws, and A Familiar Desire"
Bought by: db-mistery
Status: 100% Done (Final Draft done, changes approved by the buyer, this one turned out longer than intended but the buyer was a sweetie who tipped. Thank you!)

-Commission 3-
Title: Sisselixer 2.5: Chastity [Title not set in stone, pending changes)
Bought by: curmadgeon2007
Status: 95% Done (...this one took long because I got stupidly inspired and the buyer was a sweetie who tipped. It's over 16,000 words long, because my muse forced me to put a lot into it. But that's why it took so long! Right now I'm just waiting for the buyer to read the whole thing, give me any final feedback to make changes off of, and then it's off to the next one! Which WILL be shorter!)

-Commission 4-
Title: [No Title Yet]
Bought by: ObeliskOdd
Status: 0% Done (Buyer bought two story slots. When I'm ready to start on their project(s) I will reach out to them to hash out what they want. Their two slots may become one longer story, or may be two shorter ones)

-Commission 5-
Title: [No Title Yet]
Bought by: ObeliskOdd
Status: 0% Done (Buyer bought two story slots. When I'm ready to start on their project(s) I will reach out to them to hash out what they want. Their two slots may become one longer story, or may be two shorter ones)

-Commission 6-
Title: "Does a Body Good" [Title not set in stone, may change as story is written]
Bought by: Sanmer
Status: 1% Done (I've a good idea of how I want to do this one, but have other projects ahead of this one)

-Commission 7-
Title: [No Title Yet]
Bought by: BlazingPelt
Status: 0% Done (Buyer gave me 4 different ideas and bought two slots. Will reach out to buyer to nail down which ones he and I want to do once I'm further along with this wave of commissions)

-Commission 8-
Title: [No Title Yet]
Bought by: BlazingPelt
Status: 0% Done (Buyer gave me 4 different ideas and bought two slots. Will reach out to buyer to nail down which ones he and I want to do once I'm further along with this wave of commissions)

-Commission 9-
Title: [No Title Yet]
Bought by: kittaclysm
Status: 0% Done (Not even letting myself think of this one until I've gotten a few more under my belt, but I am excited to work on it)

-Commission 10-
Title: [No Title Yet]
Bought by: A Friend Who Would Prefer to Remain Anonymous
Status: 0% Done

-Story Trade 1-
Title: Plushton University [Title not set in stone, may change as story is written]
Bought by: A Friend Who Has Waited Far Too Long
Status: 15% Done (A script has been penned and the first 1000 words were written before I even took my first commission on this list. This will be a larger project, and one that's overdue for a certain someone. I feel bad about how long it's taken to get to it, hoping these commissions will bust my ass into gear to get it done.)

Yup. So that's about it.

Going to move onto the next project later this week (likely Friday or Saturday) and get to work on it, hopefully not taking this long to finish the next few, and hopefully they won't run so long. Damn it, my muse! Why can't you let me keep anything short?

Posted using PostyBirb

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    May I have a request

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      What is it?

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        Perdita from 101 dalmtians and tramp from lady and the tramp transformation what you think

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          It sounds fun, but I don't think I have the time to write it. My apologies!

          • Link

            It ok men if you get more time you gonna make my request I just say and sorry

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