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ZethXM / Abominable Horrorthingy / Outside

Spare a cup of mass?
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Hiya! I'm Zephy, and this is the (second) place I put random shit I make. What kind of shit, you ask? Well, I write on occasion. I'm also (slowly) learning to make music, so maybe a piece will show up here from time to time. The other function of this page is to hopefully get art of myself and put it up, as I'm even worse at art than writing or music, and I'm not sure I wanna change that. At least not yet.

Who/what the hell is Zephy, you ask? A question for the ages! The easiest and most concise way to put it here is that I'm an abstraction, a cosmic horror embodying impossibility that never stops expanding or mutating, suffusing and surpassing all possible iterations of existence and -not- stopping there, oh no. Once you understand that aesthetically Hellsing, TTGL, and the whole cosmic horror genre are having a filthy, unspeakable orgy inside my head, it starts to make more sense. A little.

This brings us to:

Things I like! To preface this, I'm -very- malleable when it comes to fetishes. I can wring enjoyment out of damn near anything. Perhaps it's that the very idea of enjoying a fetish is sort of fetishy to me, the way it drives otherwise rational people into perverse behavior. There are, however, certain things that are preferable. Well, more than certain things. A huge swath of things.

I love excessive things. Growth, hyper, any form of expansion, mutation, multi, transformation, pregnancy, ovi, cloning, ALL the filthy excretory minutiae, inflation (especially inflation with the previous items), pretty much anything taken to an extreme (especially if it's built up to it, though sudden explosions of overwhelming force are just as wonderful~). All the related fetishes to those things are there, too. All the dom/sub stuff, all the destruction, the crush, the paws, the snuff, the worship. Everything about power and its wielding, power and its transference, power and its effect on otherwise sane people.

I love juxtaposition, y'see. Sophisticated people secretly harboring brutal fetishes, kind and gentle souls driven into a hedonistic rampage punctuated by sudden surges of rapid expansion rewarding them for their rude behavior, and of course the ever-popular trap. Androgynous, femboys, or extremely-built, very masculine ladyherms, doesn't matter. Hyper-endowed, please, the bigger the better. I dunno which Chaos God I find cutest, so I lurve them all~

Did I mention I love extremes? I'm pretty sure I did. No, you didn't picture any of the things I just mentioned big enough. Nothing ever is. I could fill every possible reality with a cumshot to put all the Big Bangs that ever happened or will happen to shame, bursting existence after existence like so many insufficient condoms, and I'd be wondering how to do it bigger with the next spurt~

I also love creepy things. Body horror, surreal horror, existential dread.... I'm a bit of a nightmare fetishist. For reference, Tetsuo: The Iron Man gets me off. 'nuff said.



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