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"I can't feel you there" by Za-owl

"I can't feel you there"


Born and grown in a religious family, Freya was taught to believe and trust in the higher power. However, the family turned on her, rejected her for what she was, and tried to force her into a mold she just couldn't fit. Freya tried to hold on to her belief, but with each painful setback it slowly kept eroding away, piece by piece.

One night in a desolate alley, she tried her best to pray for help, for any help, yet the night stayed silent and the haunting memories and thoughts remained. In her hand she hold her necklace, the one she had got from her mother. All the grief, betrayal, pain and disappointment filled her mind as it reminded her already distraught psyche about her past. To numb the pain, to silence the thoughts, Freya took a shot from her needle and in her last fragments of sobriety Freya tore off the necklace and threw it aside. Perhaps even just for a few moments her mind could have some respite - at least it was what she hoped for...