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Necodrale primary report by Zak


The Necodrale are an ancient species from a far off galaxy. They are a magical species and very elusive. Very few have ever been seen, but a few have been spotted more recently. They seem to just blend in. Even on their home planet, the world seems to stand still and quiet. They generally don’t travel far from there home galaxy unless they are in danger or they must go to retrieve supplies. They are magic users, magic flows through their bodies, and it allows them to use some spells and some enhanced abilities



Necodrale range anywhere from 5 feet tall to 7 feet tall. They stand on their hind legs primarily except for when landing on the ground. They have been seen quadrupedal when stalking prey as well. Necodrale have been seen in many colors and body sizes, ranging from athletic to chubby.

The head of a Necodrale looks much like that of a cat. It has the short jaw and snout. But Necodrale have a pair of horns atop their heads. The horns can range from a few inches tall to over a foot tall depending on the age of the Necodrale. Necodrale also have slightly enlarged ears. The teeth and bones of are made of an organic material called necodium. It is ten times stronger than bones in a human body.

The tail of the Necodrale is a split scaled tail. The underbelly of the tail is scaled in the same color of the wings. The top half of the tail is the same color of the fur on the back of the Necodrale. The tip of the tail can either end in scales, or a flair of fur.

The wings of a Necodrale range from a 4' wingspan to a 8' wingspan depending on the size of the creature. Wings range in color, but keep a uniform shape. The scales on the wing share color with the scales on the underbelly of the tail. It is possible for the wings to life the Necodrale and prew twice its own weight off the ground. The average long distance of travel can last up to 12 hours.



Necodrale have a unique physiology. They can survive severe environments more easily than any other species. Necodrale are master hunters and masters of survival and their bodies are built to follow in these traits.

The heart rate of the species averages 60bpm. They can slow their heart rate to almost a dead stop to help cool their bodies and relax. They also can get a huge boost of energy when hunting by using this ability in an opposite fashion to jump their heart rate and increase adrenaline flow.

Necodrale can survive almost any temperature. They do this by regulating their temperature through their heart rate and body covering. Their body is covered in a thick fur to repel the cold and block the wind. Under the fur instead of skin is a thin layer of scales to block out heat from effecting the internal temperature.



Necodrale behave very strangely amongst one another. It is very uncommon to see more than one in the same place for long. They are very solitary and territorial. The only time they are seen together is at a once a year event on the eve of the new year. They all gather in the great valley and have a large fight, the last one standing become the head of the pack and may scavenge from any other at anytime. It is not uncommon to have the same pack leader for year after year.

Necodrale are expert hunters. They can track and hunt pray for days. They usually keep a stockpile of food in a den. Necodrale are primarily meat eaters, though they do not avoid eating vegetables. Some have even been known to take no cooking and settle down in permanent elaborate dens.

Reproduction is not very common in the packs. The birth rates of the species are very low. The females are very picky with their mates, if and when they choose one, it is a life partner. Some females go through their whole life not selecting anyone. The race is slowly decreasing in size, and the number of packs is decreasing.

The life span of an adult necodrale is anywhere between 700 and 1200 years. But there are a few elders that have been around for hundreds of thousands of years. They were the survivors of a great war and have been effected by a strange radiation.



The history of the Necodrale is a mystery. They have always been a secretive race. The biggest piece of knowledge comes from a time of great war at the early years of the universe. The Necodrale and the other elder races fought for control of planet after planet, then galaxy after galaxy. It ended in an event called the great rift. Only the Necodrale survived.

The great rift created the great elders of the Necodrale race. There are 5 elders still remaining today. They started with 9, but a few choose to try and take total control. The 5 elders rule all packs and planets. They are the base of knowledge and the place all pack leaders turn to when in need. The great rift was caused by a huge battle at the center of the galaxy. When the races arrived, the energy from the battle mixed with the energy from the universes great center caused a rift in the universe, it pulled the life out of all creatures around. All but the elders, they were instead imbued with a great power, and life everlasting to watch over the universe, to let their race grow and protect the universe.

Necodrale soon grew to a place of silent power, if a race gets to close to a fight or war with another, the elders dispatch a pack to wipe out the leaders of each side. To show dominance in the universe. This tactic has worked over and over again. They don’t use this power as an advantage, just to protect the peace when it needs protecting.

Very little beyond this is known about the Necodrale. They protect, but also are a powerful force. Kind and gentle. There is much left to be discovered about them, and much more to learn about the role they play with us every day.

Necodrale primary report


This is a report discovered along with the ancient temple not to long ago. We are not sure who wrote it, but it is the most information on the Necodrale race that we have at this time.

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