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[G] For Ninto// No matter the distance by Yoki

[G] For Ninto// No matter the distance


"No matter the distance,
No matter how far,
I will always be with you
There in your heart"
Love you with everything I have, Ninto
Your  roo
Character(s) ©
Yoki ( Myself )
Ninto ( Ninto )

Only the owner of depicted characters / commissioner may use, edit or post the artwork.  If you are not the character owner, do not repost/use.
Only the owner of depicted characters / commissioner may use, edit or post the artwork.  If you are not the character owner, do not repost/use.
Fan art can be shared, used and posted as long as proper credit linking to the original work(s) for credit.
Art depicting my personal characters may ONLY be shared.  Do not ever claim the art / Character(s) as your own. 
NSFW Content Disclaimer
One must be 18 yrs or older to view or request adult artwork from me
My content may contain sensitive or offensive subjects / Topics.  If at any point you find yourself uncomfortable or disturbed by the content provide please silent unfollow or click away.
Some Content may contain vent art or Gore.
Candy Gore included.

Content shown may not reflect the real feelings or beliefs of the artist.
If you are unsure ASK, if you just want to berate, please just drop the follow and silently move on from my work.

Zoophillic comments are not welcome here and will be deleted.  Serious / repeated attempts will lead to a perma block. 
All Feral characters in my work are adults and Sentient.  They however will not engage with anthros// Or humans in this manner
There will be 0 Content containing any characters under the age 18+ in a NSFW // Adult setting.
Fursonas & Characters

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Visual / Digital