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Advanced Combat Platform - Epilloq by X. Cytilinsk

Advanced Combat Platform - Epilloq

X. Cytilinsk

Concept drawing for an Advanced Combat Platform used by the Allied Species, this one being shaped for an Epilloq user.

The Advanced Combat Platform series was designed for use in extremely hazardous and high-risk situations. They are hybrids of Lejendairidan and Ueptael technology, combining the matter-phase control technologies of the Lejendairidans and the bio-synthetic technologies of the Ueptael. The suits are able to withstand extremes of pressure and temperature and can recover quickly even from severe damage. Advanced Combat Platforms are the ideal equipment for confrontations with the Kerihekteki.


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    DMT + Machine Elves =

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      Thanks! You can probably blame it on the Ueptael, those guys have some wacky outlooks on life which they apply to pretty much everything they construct.