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Chingling Variants by xBicox

Chingling Variants


((I'd rather do a few than a whole bunch of these, honestly. More manageable and enjoyable for me! Also fuck shading for EVER))

White Incense (+Gengar)
Noisy, playful and naughty, this variant is well-known for the smoke they constantly produce, it's smell varying on the Pokemon's diet, personality and health, while the size and quantity depends greatly on their mood: a mischievous Incense Chingling will create a large puff of smoke, in order to hide themselves as they run away and put a spring into their plans. There are specially bred ones raised to assist in religious rituals, proving to be a key component - these Chingling are well-behaved and patient, but only during the ceremonies; otherwise they will resume their silly antics

Vigilant Eye, aka Yawners (+Dusknoir)
Due to their small, beady eyes and their constantly opened mouths - either by their constant yawning or sleeping- these little critters have won the infamous title of Vigilant Eye: their marble shines bright at night with any light source and, as such, looks much like a larger -and more menacing- Pokemon's eye. Their ribbons inspired humans long ago to create charms, and tradition tells that this specific variation of Chingling is supposed to hold a misterious power, driving away evil spirits and ill intentions around them; as such, many are released in graveyard areas to build their nests

Witch's Pearl (+Mismagius)
It was said, long ago, that when a Misdreavus or Mismagius became powerful enough, their necklace's pearls would come to life and lovingly do their bidding and work as their familiars -due to this legend, many psychics and magic users have sought to obtain this Chingling variation as their Pokemon of choice, not only for their so-magical properties but because of their usefulness. Indeed, this breed is not only beautiful -their red, shiny body makes for a perfect participant in many Pokemon contests, and many were gifted to old monarchs- but also quite clever, coming up with answers to problems in little to no time.

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