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Saya suka bermain suling by Xale

Saya suka bermain suling


Saya suka bermain suling

"I love to play suling."

Suling is the Indonesian "flute" of their gamelan orchestras--and an instrument that I majored on in my MFA (grad school) studies. I still perform with a gamelan occasionally--mainly Balinese, but there are several types of Suling--in both Java and Bali--and no two are tuned alike.

This piece was drawn from a photo that Xetsa took of me in my balinese performance outfit as I played suling and was created by Abanob as part of a very successful Iron Artist challenge.

Thank you, Abanob, for capturing the beauty and emotion that I feel whenever I touch my suling.
Thank you, Xetsa, for capturing the photo that was used to create one of my favorite pieces of art as Xale that has ever been done.

Saya suka bermain suling

Art created by Abanob on FA
Xale belongs to me
My suling also belongs to me

Please do not use my characters or any of my character arts for your roleplay or personal use.
My characters don't magically look exactly like yours.
I spent good money on all of my commissions, and you didn't go through the creative process of creating my character.

I don't get these for you to use.

Submission Information

Visual / Digital